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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Congressional Offices Continue to Illegally Download Movies and TV Shows

In late October, someone at the U.S. House of Representatives decided to catch up on the latest season of Dexter, illegally downloading an episode of the TV series while at a congressional office. In the days that followed, with Hurricane Sandy threatening to keep federal workers hunkered down at home, employees of Congress downloaded the 2012 mob filmLawless, a Halloween-themed episode of The Middle, and an episode from Season 9 of CSI: New York.

Over the last four months, employees of the House of Representatives have illegally downloaded dozens of films and TV shows, according to a report shared with Whispers byScanEye, a website that tracks what IP addresses have downloaded on BitTorrent. BitTorrent is a protocol for sharing large files over the Internet. Unauthorized downloads of copyrighted material is illegal in the U.S.

Whispers was able to ascertain a number of IP addresses associated with Congress using the IP geo-location websiteMaxMind. The report does not include IP addresses associated with every congressional office, so the number of illegal downloads may be higher.



  1. If one looks closely, one will probably find that they have exempted themselves from those laws, like they have exempted themselves from all the OTHER laws they so willingly place upon us, "we the people". Peasants and serfs is all we are to them.

  2. It's do as I say, not as I do

  3. What?! They don't have to obey the same laws they impose on us?!

    No wonder so many laws get passed so quickly.

    I would like to suggest a new law.

    Every law that congress passes has to be obeyed by EVERY citizen, including the ones who make said laws.

    I bet that would turn off the law giving faucet. And the repeal of gun laws and bans.


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