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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Comment Worthy Of A Post 1-22-13

Bullard Construction said... An open letter to my Senators and Congressman, Ben Cardin, Barbara Mikulski, and Andy Harris.
Our President has just announced through Joe Biden that he is planning on ramming through 19 or so “Executive Orders” in reflection of the Sandy Hook shootings. I want you all to know where I stand, and request you to stand with me. Believe me. I am as deeply shocked and saddened by this action of a madman.
In no way is the Second Amendment negotiable. It has nothing to do with hunting, and everything to do with the protection of out countrymen in the case of an oppressive government, whether it be that of the U.S., China, Japan, Iraq, or any other.
Any executive Order with gun bans, limiting sizes of magazines, or any other infringement should be reason enough to begin action of Impeachment.
I have suggested three things to reduce or eliminate these mass shootings, and find acceptable, listed below.
1) The NRA has offered to train school teachers and staff, and basically anyone in such a venue in Concealed Carry for the protection of the children. Abolish Gun Free Zones everywhere and theater ushers can participate.
2) Allow Concealed and open carry to anyone without a felony criminal record, so anyone everywhere will think twice before attempting such an action.
3) High capacity magazines and AK47’s and AR15’s are necessary legal pieces of equipment if any nation decides to invade us. China may own us, but they will not move in if we have this in place. Remember Japan in WWII?
4) Let’s all review “Anti” psychotic drugs. I know that when I have taken certain drugs, my ability to thing normally is impaired. I once bit my dentist while on Nitrous Oxide! He had to inform me of what I was doing before I could consciously prevent myself from doing it!
Bottom line is, the real reason we now have multiple deaths at shooting sites is that no one is allowed to shoot back! In the Old West, it was different. If somebody came into the room with a weapon and started shooting, the shooting was ended in a short time! This limits casualties. There will ALWAYS be folks who make bad decisions, let’s just make it possible to minimize the damage.


  1. I reckon "Old West" style gun fights were a lot less fun in real life than they looked in the movies.

  2. I get your point Bullard, but no offense...you presented your point poorly in my opinion.
    This ain't the Wild Wild West and what relevance is your dentist experience with the nitrous oxide???

  3. I've sent e-mail comments to Cardin, Mikulski and Harris as well and have only received a response from Harris. Given my stance in favor of dismissing all executive orders dealing with the 2nd amendment and citizens having rights to conceal/carry, I suspect I will not get a reply.

  4. I heard Representative Harris speak in Annapolis on Saturday. And, if I heard him correctly, any GC bills in the House are DOA. Let's just hope.

  5. We need to start organizing now. It would have no impact if we died on our front step shooting anyone who came to take our guns.

    I have often said the same things and I am ready to die for my beliefs.

    But that should be a last resort.

    The better way would be too placate them while still having possession of your good guns.

    Some sheriffs (not ours that I know of) have declared they will not enforce any gun control laws or confiscations.

    Good for them I salute you all. So it would seem we have some backing from the LEO community.

    Also there are those in the military who oppose these EO's too. So again we may have some backing from the military as well.

    We really need someone well versed in organization, tactics and strategy to share his education and experience.

    I am not qualified unfortunately. But I would be willing to follow and offer my help in all ways possible.

    This country is dying. We need to start activating solutions to save it.

  6. 8:31, Nitrous oxide, a mild anesthetic can cause (temporarily) what is known as Depersonalization Disorder (brain fog) which is a form of detachment-can be persistant or repeated sense that things around you aren't real and/or a sense that one is observing things from outside the body.
    Other drugs known to cause this disorder are Antipsychotics and Antiolytics (anxiety meds)both commonly prescribed in psychiatrics. Children prescribed Ritalin sometimes experience this "side effect" though it is usually explained away as the onset of another disorder besides the already "diagnosed" ADD.

  7. 10:51 There are a lot of us out here with the same sentiment. Get together with like-minded people now. There is no time left.

  8. We need a Paul Revere! to arms the Socialists are coming!!

  9. 9:42 AM

    .Would love to if I knew any others. And then there is the security issue

  10. haha, you imbaciles honestly believe a revolution is even possible? The "like minded" you all speak of numbers are few...very few. Go ahead and start your little revolution. See ya in the big house.

  11. Sedition. You have been reported.

  12. 11:05 You little p...kitty cat, there are some us, maybe not large in number, but dedicated to freedom that will go to the "big house" or whatever to stop the destruction of this country. Now go back and make a call on your Bama fone.

  13. 1:52, confused much? You speeak of freedom and then say you are willing to give it up for a backyard game of army men. Then you speak of the perils of the destruction of this country while ranting about doing just the same? You really meed to get back on your meds asap.

  14. 2:39 Just looking at your post says volumes about you ....embarrassing

  15. Your turn 3:05.Don't stop now.It's getting interesting.

  16. Don't be a spectator only 4:13, participate in democracy while we still have that freedom.

  17. 8:31, Bullard here. And thank you to the commenter explaining in medical terms the simple fact that if I had not been under the influence of a drug, I would have been able to make a conscious decision to avoid biting my dentist, which I never wanted to do in the first place. He!!, Dental prices are high enough without getting them mad at me! Drugs alter minds and decision making capabilities, and that is medical facts. As a contractor, that's all the medical education I have besides knowing when a band aid will do or it's hospital time.
    And about this not being the wild west; my point exactly! Back then, no one knew who was carrying concealed but knew who was carrying open, and FOR THAT OBVIOUS REASON pulling a gun out in a public place to start shooting random groups of people for fun would 1) be decided against, 2) if chosen to do, would not last more than a few seconds, and 3) would prevent "mass" killings! So,we need to have our Second Amendment back!

    Signed, "DUH"

  18. haha, you imbaciles honestly believe a revolution is even possible? The "like minded" you all speak of numbers are few...very few. Go ahead and start your little revolution. See ya in the big house.

    January 23, 2013 at 11:05 AM

    Seems like today is similar to what it was like back when our country was founded. But don't take the word of an imbecile. Look it up yourself,...when you stop laughing.

    1765 - Stamp Act Congress
    In 1765, 27 delegates from nine colonies met in New York City and drew up a statement of rights and grievances thereby bringing colonies together in opposition to Britain.
    1765 - Sons and Daughters of Liberty
    Colonists tried to fight back by imposing non-importation agreements. The Sons of Liberty often took the law into their own hands enforcing these 'agreements' by methods such as tar and feathering.

    In the end, the American Revolution grew out of increasing restrictions placed upon the colonies by the British. One interesting side note: It is estimated that only one-third of the colonists were in favor of rebellion. One-third continued to side with the British. The last third were neutral concerning the rebellion and break from Great Britain


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