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Friday, January 04, 2013

Catfish Farm

Must see, Catfish Farm In Viet Nam. If you eat catfish, you should watch.

You should know how Basa, Pacific Dory and Catfish from Asia, specifically Vietnam, is born, fed and reared for, predominately, Western markets.

I bet most of the Asian markets and restaurants use these fish from that Mekong River!

Now I know what Basa is, I have often seen it on menus in Asian Restaurants.

Just look for the "Made in Vietnam label" in supermarkets.

Click to watch...



  1. Joe,

    You should also post up a video about tilapia farms. Absolutely disgusting.

  2. Avoid eating Talapia from China also!

  3. I used to buy catfish and liked it until my brother found several worms in the flesh of marinated/seasoned catfish bought in F.L.. That was about 5 years ago, not any of my family has had any catfish since.

  4. People eat worms all the time. And so do fish. When you eat the fish, you are eating the worm also.

    I know nobody wants to see them but really they won't hurt ya.

    And if times get as bad as I'm thinking they will, we all might end up eating them on purpose.

  5. And after watching that video, looks like yuck. Looks like a boycott is in order until they clean up their act.

    When you can actually that's where the seafood is coming from.

  6. What the heck is that moving wormy thing on the bank a couple feet to the right of the drainage pipe at 00:04 of the video?! Giant leech?

  7. 4:49:
    That's the plan!


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