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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

BREAKING NEWS: Panetta Reportedly Lifting Ban On Women In Combat

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta is removing the military's ban on women serving in combat, senior defense officials tell the Associated Press.


  1. I would be careful of this because once a month they'll kill everybody.

  2. The second "major policy change"...that was installed by the last Democrat President.

    Boy, these folks really know how to progress ;)

  3. Sure am glad I'm out of the military. This is going to cause a lot more deaths and inefficient strength in combat. This is not a bigot comment. It is truth. If you've been in a combat position, comment. If not, you don't even have a clue what you're talking about.

  4. It's worked for Israel. Why nit thr U.S.?

  5. 6:48 because Israeli troops RARELY if ever, face large scale fighting or have conflicts where they don't bring overwhelming force and numbers to an INFANTRY battle. Do YOU want to be a wounded GI, bleeding out on a mountain trail taking fire from several points and need to rely on a 140lb WOMAN to drag you to safety? Or carry the heavy weapons a platoon moves with? The military already gives them different (lesser is a more accurate term) fitness standards because they can't keep up with the men. And NOW, we want to send them into combat where they carry an 80-120lb pack? Or is a MAN going to carry more so they aren't so burdened? More politically correct crap. Only this one will cost some kids their lives.....

  6. Glad I am out of the Infantry now....they do not need to be in an infantry platoon. Sorry, but there are men that dont need to be in an infantry platoon. Let them be combat medics at most and that is probably pushing it. Lets see how they like living in the mountains for 45 days straight with no shower or sterile equipment. Wont happen and will be infections left and right....

  7. No problem. Put an entire battalion of women together and send them over to the middle east to fight the al queda, hardened combat soldiers. When a very few, if any come home alive and you see them raped on TV --- you'll probably change your attitude altogether. Several earlier writers have been there, done that and they know very well that the weak MEN, don't make it either. They don't have a lower standard. They don't even make it past boot. They wash out quick.

  8. Just saw a TV clip showing regular infantry (men) getting ready to move out and their packs were unreal. I don't know a SINGLE female -- not one -- who could manage all that gear. The next clip was a female MARINE Captain who was one of two women allowed to enter the TRAINING program for one of the elite Marine units. She admitted it was too much for a woman. She failed miserably. So did the other female candidate. Marine women!! This is politically correct crap thats gonna get some MEN killed. Your self esteem and desire to stitch on a combat patch (while a man carries your gear and slows down so you can keep up) does not give you the right to endanger my son nad get him killed. End of story. Our own military leaders don't even have the guts to stand up and tell the truth --- women cannot handle the stress and physical requirements of COMBAT. As 9:37 said, even some men can't cut it. This is sickening. Beyond sickening. I agree with 9:37 ---if the women are such bad ass warriors, send a battalion of women into the mountains of Afghanistan and make them hold a position for 30 days. Then send in a couple of Hueys to pick up whatever bodies the Taliban left behind because thats all they would find there.

  9. So did they say they are going to force all women into combat? Or did they say they'll allow women who meet combat standards (ie ability to carry their pack) to serve on the frontline?

  10. Just another politically correct move by the amoral elite to weaken our military. This country is being destroyed one idiotic step at a time. Isn't there anybody that will stand up and stop this systematic destruction of our miltary? I'm sure our enemies that are just itching to kill us are going to be intimidated by a military composed of homosexuals, women and regulars more interested in a pay check than the defense of the country. I am in no-way saying that the majority of the military are not doing a great sevice for our country and God Bless them for doing their job under such a useless commander and chief but we need to reverse the politically correct crap that is threatening to weaken it.

  11. This is BS woman should not serve on the front lines.


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