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Sunday, January 20, 2013

BREAKING: AT&T Sells Newtown Phone Calls To NewsCorp, Say Anonymous

NEWTOWN CT–Anonymous activists, combing through AT&T’s e-mail servers, released evidence Sunday showing that recorded phone calls of grieving Sandyhook victims and families were sold to Rupert Murdoch’s NewsCorp for seven million US dollars.

The recordings were released by Anonymous as proof that AT&T is selling its customers’ private data. Commander X, leader of the shadowy leaderless collective, said “I am outraged, but not surprised. Nothing they do surprises me anymore, and it only serves to justify my decision to run from the broken governments of the world. Nowhere is safe.”



  1. That is just wrong.

  2. Everyone who is surprised raise your hand.

  3. What a completely scummy thing to do.

  4. All wireless carriers sell your private data. Remember when the feds had to make it retroactively legal to give cover to the cell phone companies to give your data to the government in the name of combatting terrorism?

    It's most likely that all of your calls and texts will be sent to NSA's new data center in Utah for data mining.


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