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Monday, January 28, 2013

Boy Scouts Close To Ending Ban On Gay Members, Leaders

The Boy Scouts of America, one of the nation’s largest private youth organizations, is actively considering an end to its decades-long policy of banning gay scouts or scout leaders, according to scouting officials and outsiders familiar with internal discussions.

If adopted by the organization’s board of directors, it would represent a profound change on an issue that has been highly controversial -- one that even went to the US Supreme Court. The new policy, now under discussion, would eliminate the ban from the national organization’s rules, leaving local sponsoring organizations free to decide for themselves whether to admit gay scouts.

“The chartered organizations that oversee and deliver scouting would accept membership and select leaders consistent with their organization’s mission, principles or religious beliefs,” according to Deron Smith, a spokesman for the Boy Scouts’ national organization.



  1. Another great organization 'caving'.
    What is happening to our moral compass?

  2. My boys will be leaving the Scouts this organization is no longer suitable for youth.

  3. The right thing to do. Intolerance has no place in scouting.

  4. ok, so now a child molester gets to be a scout leader and gets too friendly with one of the scouts. His defense is he is gay. How will the media handle this?

  5. Well, now my boys won't be scouts.

  6. They say the kid/kids made it up.

  7. I hope every parent pulls them out of the boys scouts and let them have the gay scouts.

  8. 10:26 How could that be a defense anymore than being heterosexual would be a defense. Maybe I am missing something but it makes no sense.

  9. Anonymous said...
    The right thing to do. Intolerance has no place in scouting.

    January 29, 2013 at 9:41 AM

    My son won't be a part of the Boy Scouts of America. This is opening the do to predators and saying "Welcome." Has nothing to do with intolerance Bozo!

  10. If I had a son now of age to be a scout, I would not even consider him going into scouting. To go all the way from a Tiger Cub to Eagle scout and then now allow gay leaders and gay scout be in the ranks.....sorry, I would have to return all my badges that I worked many long hard hours for back to the main headquarters and tell them what I think! Good luck with the pedophiles coming into the troops!


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