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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Barbara Mikulski Wants Executive Order

Two female lawmakers want to encourage government contractors to speak openly about pay. Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.) and Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) are asking President Barack Obama for an executive order. They say it should ban retaliation by contractors against employees who discuss their salaries. The lawmakers say the move would help shed light on the difference between men and women's paychecks. They have introduced a bill that would prohibit any employer from retaliating against an employee who told their colleagues how much they earned.


  1. Lawmakers are a crazy bunch wasting our taxpayers money on this BS!

  2. Protecting freedom of speech is a waste?

  3. government contractor employees pay should be public information. the country has been led to believe that all federal employees are making six figures, or more, which is not true. contracted employees are making more then the federal employee so their pay should be public information as well. that would really get the public fires burning!

  4. Excuse me 11:40 AM, but federal employees get a lot of benefits paid for by our tax dollars, ie; paid holidays, sick days, retirement, insurance, etc. that contracted employess do not. It is not always about the weekly take home check.

  5. I don't know about the federal government, but a lot of local government jobs for the county, the university are now posting "No benefits" on their employment opportunity page. I've been checking them a lot.

  6. As a Registered Nurse...I can relate what I know as fact. a male newly graduated Male nurse received over five dollars an hour more in his salary...than myself..His Hospital mentor..Supervisor of a five hundred bed Facility...He left his paycheck opened in the Nurses station...I gave my 2 week notice...This frequently happens with Gender discrimination...

  7. I was always taught not to disclose that information because it would always cause resentment among employees and be detrimental to the team and company output. The deal you made with your boss is between you and he. If you feel you are worth more, it's time to discuss that with him privately.

    But, since we're all being sent into Socialism where everybody must be happy with the same pay, it must be time to decide on that number!

    Mikulski is a pig, and needs to be sent to slaughter!


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