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Monday, January 14, 2013


Room 301, Government Office Building, Salisbury, Maryland


January 15, 2013 10:00 a.m.

10:00 a.m. Matt Holloway, President

Call meeting to order

Opening Prayer

10:03 a.m. Proclamation:
Wicomico County Emergency Operations Center Appreciation

National Mentoring Month

10:15 a.m. Approval of Minutes from December 18, 2012

10:17 a.m. Matthew Creamer: Council Administrator:

1. Karen Knapik, Public Affairs Specialist with U.S. Small Business Administration Office of Disaster Assistance Presentation

2. Resolution 01-2013- Confirming the reappointment of Robert Franklin to the Wicomico County Board of Electrical Examiners

3. Resolution 02-2013- Confirming the appointment of Richard McGee to the Wicomico County Board of Electrical Examiners

4. Resolution 03-2012-Making a supplemental appropriation from Contingency to the County Executive’s Office in the amount of Two Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars ($2500)

5. Resolution 04-2013- Confirming the reappointment of John B. Hall to the Wicomico County Airport Commission

6. Resolution 05-2013-Making a supplemental appropriation from Contingency to the Department of Recreation, Parks and Tourism in the amount of Nine Thousand, Eight Hundred Dollars ($9,800)

7. Resolution 06-2013- Confirming the reappointment of Bob Culver as a Designated Director of PAC 14, Inc.

8. Resolution 07-2013- Accepting the Annual Report submitted by the Office of the Internal Auditor

9. Resolution 08-2013-Making a supplemental appropriation from Contingency to the Wicomico County Department of Law in the amount of Ten Thousand, Eight Hundred Six Dollars ($10,806)

10. Tier Assessment Discussion

10:30 a.m. Edgar A. Baker, Jr., County Attorney:

Resolution 09-2013- To authorize the County to acquire an easement over certain parcels of land located along and binding College Avenue and Beaglin Park Drive for the purpose of constructing a sidewalk

10:50 a.m. Public Comments-Please limit all public comments to five minutes or less; any presented material may be submitted to Council members-Please include eight copies.

11:00 a.m. Council Comments

11:05 a.m. Council President’s Comments

11:10 a.m. Adjourn

11:20 a.m. Open Work Session

Legislative Bill 2012-17- An act to amend Chapter 225 of the Wicomico County Code, titled “Basic Definitions and Interpretations,” Article VI, titled “Terms Defined,” Section 225-25, titled “Definitions of basic terms,” and Chapter 225, Attachment I, titled “Table of Permitted Uses, Part I, Resource Conservation and Residential Districts” to define the term “Utility Operation Center” and to permit the use of a Utility Operation Center by special exception in various zoning districts

Legislative Bill 2012-18-An act to amend the Wicomico County Classification and Pay Plan by the addition of a new position to the job classification in the Department of Recreation, Parks and Tourism and establishing a job title and 

12:00 p.m. LUNCH

12:30 p.m. Closed Work Session:

Health Officer Discussion

Fruitland Transfer Station


  1. I thought JOE Holloway was President of the County Council.unless I missed an election.

  2. you did miss an election. matt holloway is the new president

  3. Yep, changed presidents in December.


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