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Thursday, January 31, 2013

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 1-31-13

Unhappy Christian. said...

Mr Albero,

I did not attend the forum last night for the NAACP at the First Baptist Church last night because i feel that the Church should NOT be involved in a self outed gay Mayor, as a christian i would hope that the church and the pastor would condemn this life style and type of politics period, I am not a big fan of you either but my faith comes first and politics second, thank you for your time and good luck.

January 31, 2013 at 12:32 PM


  1. Thank you for your moral courage in these politically correct last days. God Bless you, continue to speak up for what is right according to God's word. We are all going to stand before hime on that day and give account of our actions.

  2. Yeah the church needs to know about his actions at certain places in town too.

  3. Good for you for taking this moral stand. However, you don't really seem to be going far enough. The Bible also condemns divorce and remarriage. Why aren't you upset with the church having people who are in this situation present? It also condemns premarital sex, so the church should have been grilling candidates about whether they've done this before allowing them inside.

    If you are going to be outraged that the church didn't condemn the mayor for his homosexuality, don't be a hypocrite. Apply your principles to everyone who is a sinner.

  4. He's got a point Joe.
    A Baptist church is no place for an effeminate man such as Jim, who disgustingly fornicates with other men.
    I'm absolutely shocked that First Baptist allowed Jim and his immoral ways to conduct a debate in there.

  5. I too commend this poster for standing on principles which unfortuanatly most people will bend anymore all in the name of tolerance.
    However I don't think the church had any kind of obligation with the medium presented (that being a political forum) to bring up nor condemn anyone's sexual orientation. I believe that should be reserved for the pulpit.

  6. Thoughts lead to actions and I, myself, do not feel comfortable with immoral thoughts which obviously lead to his immoral actions.
    Jim had his chance and he blew it. He needs to move on to the next chapter of his life and figure something productive to do with his time because his time spent as a mayor was definitely unproductive.

  7. For what it's worth, do you actually think the First Baptist Church would or even should deny Jim the opportunity to present his platform?

    Look, it's clear that the state of Maryland has somehow come to accept this lifestyle.

    While I do not agree with it and choose a heterosexual lifestyle, being gay does not make Jim Ireton a bad person.

    More importantly, the fact that the First Baptist Church, (or any other location in which a forum is conducted) should be commended.

    However, YOU have the right to your Fist Amendment Rights and while even our States Attorney feels we should censor comments, (yes, even these Jim Ireton Comments) I disagree and will until the day I die.

    Many may not like them, (including me) but we offer a format in which we have the right to express our thoughts, unlike the rest of the main stream media here on the shore.

    I'm glad Jim was invited. I'm glad to see this Church evolve. Nevertheless, the commenter has every right to express his/her opinion and belief, just as you do. Agree to disagree for once Salisbury.

  8. We are ALL sinners, don't ever forget that.

  9. I agree with person's post, Joe's post, and 2:31's post. He's absolutely right. We all sin every day.
    I also do not feel comfortable with a gay mayor but even if I didn't mind Jimbo being gay, the truth of the matter is that he is a horrible mayor-PERIOD

  10. Being gay does not make him a bad person, being a progressive liberal gay does!
    In all seriousness being gay makes him sick, mentally unstable and in need of treatment.

  11. Yeah, because Jesus wouldn't welcome a gay person into the Church. What happened to love the sinner hate the sin... what a bunch of hypocrites. You should be ashamed of yourselves, what happened to "judge not or you too will be judged".

  12. Jesus never married. Who knows?

  13. Judge not, Brother.

    We are all sinners with our own flaws. One should not point out the splinter in another's eye before first removing the plank from theirs.

    If you are outraged that a (probably) gay person could appear in a church, shouldn't you be equally outraged by somebody who was divorced also attending? I'm kind of glad that you don't appear to be, because then you would be making two mistakes instead of one.

    Is somebody's apparent gayness somehow damaging you? It shouldn't. I doubt that Ireton wants to restrict your choice of mate. Why do you want to do that to him?

    As a human being, he is just as deserving of your love as your parents, your children, and all of your other neighbors. While God may choose to judge somebody for lying with another man, he may also choose to judge you for failing to show love and compassion towards those same people.

    Instead of judging others, work to grow the love in your heart. And apologize to those whom you seek to damage with your words. You'll feel a lot better about it afterwards.

  14. Well if the mayor can say joe is racist then i will say jim is a great mayor, Both are Not True lol.

  15. Hey 3:20 whether you like it or not some of us have Morals, did you ever grow up with any? and DON'T try and push your agenda on me.

  16. 231 yeah but he will be in front of me lol.

  17. "Being gay does not make him a bad person, being a progressive liberal gay does!"

    Exactly. I would never not vote for someone simply because they were gay.
    Take for instance if Tammy Bruce were running against Nancy "We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it" Pelosi. Would you vote for Pelosi or Bruce who happens to be a gay, pro choice, gun owning, pro death penalty Tea Partier?
    I wouldn't even have to think twice about going for Bruce.

  18. If Jim does lose he can move right up in MD politics on the western shore and join the liberal progressives that pushed for gay marriage there. He would fit right in, not so much here on the shore. I guess we are just too backward, AND GLAD OF IT. This is not so much a judgement 3:20, more an observation.

  19. While I do not agree with it and choose a heterosexual lifestyle

    Really? You choose to be straight?

  20. 3:47 They need someone to look down on, makes them feel better about themselves.

  21. Mature voters focus on the issues. Let's put aside negative remarks about racism and homosexuality so we can focus on making our city safe, solvent and progressive. How to do it, how to finance it, how to measure improvement should all be outlined by candidates. Then we can direct our energies to evaluating which candidate's plan has our support.

  22. 5:45 if they mayor would grow up and talk about the real issues in Salisbury we could move on as a city but he wont bc he has no agenda and offers nothing, Hence the HATE.

  23. everyone who acts like this will answer to the highest judge of them all GoD.

  24. First Baptist Church Should Have Not Get Involved in Any Political Process Nor as a Stage For Political Debate. Wake up people, you are in the House Of Lord!!!! And You Are There To Worship The Lord, your God !!!! Not anybody else, you HYPOCRITES.

  25. Keep YOUR church out of my state, please. Thank you.

  26. Being gay is one thing and everyone is allowed to their opinion I believe the debate was to show candidates in an equal and fair light


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