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Thursday, January 17, 2013

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 1-17-13

They may not be able to be "saved" as you claim.

As far as hiring several local writers, those of us who are talented local writers and attempted to work for them were not only paid minimal wages but were also forced to write only the bias news they wanted printed so that suggestion of yours will definitely not work.

Lastly, in most cases it is not a matter of Joe "knowing" more than our local media. It is a matter of Joe publicizing ALL of the critical news items that this area's residents needs to be aware of. The media withholds and covers up a substantial amount of news items from the public regarding people they favor and want to protect.

Joe posts the TRUTH, and the truth often "hurts" the area's prominent people that the other media outlets favor but in most cases it "helps" us area residents knowing what the facts are.


  1. I stumbled across this. Comparing you and the Mayor, I gave you 8 out of 8 and the Mayor 4 out of 8.

    ‎8 leadership lessons from Martin Luther King by Michael Hyatt

    Insight 1: Great leaders do not sugar-coat reality.

    Insight 2: Great leaders engage the heart.

    Insight 3: Great leaders refuse to accept the status quo.

    Insight 4: Great leaders create a sense of urgency.

    Insight 5: Great leaders call people to act in accord with their highest values.

    Insight 6: Great leaders refuse to settle.

    Insight 7: Great leaders acknowledge the sacrifice of their followers.

    Insight 8: Great leaders paint a vivid picture of a better tomorrow.

  2. Truth...however as a 'journalist' you might want to look at your subject-verb agreement in paragraph four

  3. I agree with this post 100%. The media is just flat out wrong when it withholds information about prominent people and elected officials. That is exactly why people rely on the blogs for news. The DT needs to start reporting ALL the facts, not just reprinting court documents that are public information. Fox news is the only MSM that actually reports all the story.

  4. A poorly written post,but absolutely correct.

  5. Truth is greg basset found out the hard way. No wife and/or job.

  6. Sometimes it takes being at rock bottom to finally wake up from a drunken stuper. Ireton is next.

  7. There is one thing that I need to get off my chest. The highly educated folks that constantly complain about spelling and grammar need to realize that maybe everyone wasn't as fortunate as they were and were not able to attend college. That fact has no bearing whatsoever on their common sense and opinions. Personally, I find the common sense comments much more informative than the long winded, perfectly spelled comments, Thank you. By the way, I agree the Times needs to report news, not engage in protecting cronies.

  8. I agree with 1:21 and think the post was written well and disagree with 11:51.
    Perhaps I am mistaken, but I did not notice any spelling and/or grammar errors in the post BUT did notice 2 errors in 11:51's hypocritical & critcal comment:
    1) There was no space after their comma, and
    2) It was an incomplete sentence

  9. @1:21-

    You don't need to go to college in order to learn how to write, spell, punctuate, and properly form a sentence.

    Those are basic skills that are taught in elementary, middle, and high school.

    You can also learn those skills on your own, if you didn't take those lessons seriously during your 12 years of education.

  10. The spelling and grammar police only show up when they can't put up a good argument against a post that they don't agree with. In this case they just don't want to admit the truth and all they have left is trying to make others look inferior.

  11. Bassett is the same twerp as he once was at Wi-Hi.

  12. lol 6:49 I was in his class also....so true


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