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Thursday, January 31, 2013

A Brooke Mulford Update 1-31-13

The scans today showed that Brooke’s tumor is unchanged and that there are no new areas of concern. So stable is good…would love to have seen it gone but for now I will take stable. Her ALT level for her kidneys was really high however so she was unable to start this cycle of chemo. I am partly glad for her to be able to have some time off since she has been so sick the past couple of weeks but I’m also always concerned about missing chemo and feel that it gives the cancer a greater chance to fight back.

Please keep praying for that miracle!


  1. We continue to pray and thank God for her full recovery.God Bless!

  2. Prayers continue here for Brooke.

  3. Keeping the prays going for both of you

  4. "Please keep praying for that miracle!"

    I surely will.

  5. What a cutie! Praying for complete recovery and a long and happy life for Brooke.
    Keep the faith.

  6. There is a 5th grader from Delmar who is also undergoing treatment at CHOP for brain cancer. Britney Vandermark has been at CHOP since before Thanksgiving. She has been up and down with no real prognosis yet. The family isn't nearly as well off as the Mulford's and struggles to make ends meet on just the grandmothers income. Please pray for them as well.

  7. will keep praying. Keep pressing on! Your're a great fighter!

  8. Brooke, our family is always praying for you!

  9. Continuing to pray. God bless.


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