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Wednesday, December 12, 2012


A young mother was senselessly murdered by three teens in western Pennsylvania after she told them to “get a job” and stop roaming the streets when they asked her fiancée for a cigarette, police say.
Beaver Falls police have charged 14-year-olds Todavia Cleckley and Marcus Velasquez and 13-year-old Kyle Goosby Jr. with criminal homicide and other charges in Saturday’s shooting of 22-year-old Kayla Peterson.

She was shot at about 3:30 p.m. that day and died in a Pittsburgh hospital two hours later.


  1. Barack and Michelles boys, they must be proud parents.

  2. this isnt a racial issue,,just random act of violence right? not allowed to charge hate crime or call a racial conflict on blacks. if you do then you are called a racist!

  3. Anonymous said...
    Hang them both

    December 12, 2012 9:17 AM

    I agree with you. I don't think there is any hope for them.

  4. Shoot them both and charge their families for the executions. These people are out of control and the community is too incompetent to do anything about it.

  5. 9:30 you are correct we should start charging the parents for lack of proper guidance,most likely their parents are sucking up entitlements and sitting their asses.

  6. If Obama had sons they would look just like them.

  7. Beaver Falls must have been having a real problem with these types before this incident.For her to react in this manner suggests that she was fed up with it.

  8. Pure trash. The fiancee should be able to pull the trigger!!

  9. They better not be only charged as a minor and out of jail at 18, Fn little punk A/S.

  10. Where is REV AL SHARPTON....???

  11. Gerald, retired Detroit copDecember 12, 2012 at 10:15 AM

    This kind of crime goes on everyday now, yet the media chooses to ignore it. Black on White crime is becoming an epidemic in this country. Is it racially motivated? Yes, they are getting back at those they see as oppressors and the people that “Have it all”, they are now doing what Pres. Obama told them to do during the election, he said “Vote for Revenge”, and that is what these punks are doing, only not at the polls, they’re getting “Revenge”, against the whites.
    Everyone needs to be prepared for a new kind of civil war, one that pits the blacks against the whites, of course the liberals will side with the blacks, but a bullet don’t know the difference, a leach is a leach!

  12. Where is REV AL SHARPTON.....???

  13. Hope they are tried as adults and given the death penalty. They took a life, they should pay with theirs. Their families should then be head accountable as well and provide income for this beautiful child since their children took the mothers life.
    Make an example and things may slow down some.

  14. Something eerily similar happened in Baltimore City a few years ago.

    What this amounts to is a culture that is out of control. A culture that thinks they are owed and entitled to whatever they want without any sense of responsibility.
    A culture that has allowed their neighborhoods to become crime ridden, rat/roach infested havens of poverty. A culture that is so damm dumb they continue to reproduce without the means to support their many offspring.
    A culture with the highest criminal element, illiteracy, illegitimacy, and poverty rates in the country.
    A bunch of damm fools electing the same so called "leaders" while you wallow in filth. "Leaders" who won't tell you the truth about your evil ways, but "leaders" who make excuses for your disgusting behavior.
    Kind hearted people need to stop-now-with all the freebies. Let you all dig in dumpsters for food and other necessities. By giving away food at food panties, etc all society has done is to enable these people. It needs to stop.
    It not Christian like to continue to enable these irresponsible people to have more babies that will ultimately live in flop houses wrought with sex and drugs.

  15. i totally agree with you 10:55!! especially the part about the FOOD PANTIES !!!

  16. When a person has no regard for life the they don’t regard their own as well Cut out the cancer, Oh but we can do that, their just kids.

  17. Exactly the source of this countries problem 10:55 we know this to be true

  18. Mass sterilizations is needed on the trash of this country. Want food stamps mandatory sterilization. Entitlements not earned must be stopped.

  19. IMAGINE the horror, the outrage, the media firestorm, if THREE WHITE kids shot a black woman for not giving them cigarettes. Hang these three low-lifes from a tree in the public square. Invite the public. THEN, bring the parent (singular) forward. 30 hard lashes for letting their 13 year old think he was a gangster. For letting him hang out with OTHER little wanna-be's who THINK they are tough guys. THEY will be leeches on society for the rest of their lives, just like their mother, aunts, cousins, and friends. Forgive me if I hurt their feelings.

  20. Feels like an American race war is just around the corner. Wait until a white conservative takes power and does the only thing possible, massive cuts to entitlement programs. The riots over austerity in Greece and other European countries will look like a walk in the park. I should have opened a gun store, business is booming.

  21. Obama is making blacks kill whites. When are we going to say this is enough?

  22. People would be damm fools to give anything to anyone any more unless you personally know the people. I see it day in and day out. They hit up food pantries, free toys for their kids, free gift cards, etc which they end up selling for pennies on the dollar.
    Don't be taken in by organizations giving sob stories. They are not helping these people but yes are enabling them, enabling them to continue a cycle of poverty and irresponsibility that has gotten way too out of control.

  23. could you put this story back at the top of the page? a lot of people getting home from work might miss it, and it seem's far more important than the fat cop story.

  24. Yeah it happens it your schools Everyday. Bad ass attitudes like this. You just dont know what teachers have to deal with day to day.

  25. Just pure human garbage. Their entire family including grandparents, aunts, uncles and all cousins should be publicly hung right next to them in order to eliminate the entire gene pool of this human cancer. For some unknown reason, public hangings seem to capture people's attention especially those from certain groups.

  26. i say make these two little scumbags suffer a slow painful tortured death and make their families watch along with every other person that is willing to commit these crimes..... and i also say round up their parents and do the same


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