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Monday, December 10, 2012

Will Saddam’s WMDs Fall into the Hands of Al Qaeda?

Probably one of the most despicable lies perpetrated by the Democratic Party was the claim that Saddam Hussein had no WMDs. It was a lie of political convenience by a party whose top politicians had asserted the exact opposite until it became more convenient for them to jump on a new bandwagon.

After all that there would be a certain historical irony if Saddam’s WMDs were indeed finally found, but by Islamist terrorists into whose hands they fell after almost a decade of liberal political malfeasance culminating in their irresponsible support for the Sunni side in the Syrian Civil War.

Let’s map what that would look like

1. The Democrats sabotaged the Iraq War by preventing any enforcement action against the Syrian origin of the suicide bombers and terror squads in the early days of the post-war period. Meanwhile Syrian WMDs had been smuggled into Syria.



  1. Hey! Everybody! Chase this chicken! There he goes!

    We have no proof, no pictures, no witnesses, no visual sightings, no bunkers that "might" hold them, but THEY'RE DEFINITELY THERE! OR, MAYBE THEY'RE OVER HERE! NO! THERE THEY ARE! Nope, not there, either.

    Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me!

    Wasn't the "conclusion" back then that there were NO MWD's? Was that also a lie? So, why did we hang him? There is more BS going on here than a little bit.

  2. I guess we just need to generate another need to start another war. Wherever, it doesn't matter. A few drones, a nice T.V. coverage for the folks back home, more troop deaths in the name of "Freedom" of what, I have no idea. That will make the terrorists stop hating us.

  3. There must be some mistake. The media and the democrats all told us there were no WMDs. Surely they didn't lie to us (again).

  4. What's next tie Saddam to 9/11? Fools

  5. Anonymous said...
    There must be some mistake. The media and the democrats all told us there were no WMDs. Surely they didn't lie to us (again).

    December 10, 2012 7:40 PM

    You are watching too much Fox News!

  6. The thousands of people that Saddam killed made him a WMD. So I guess we did find the WMD.....Syria probably has the rest.

  7. Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    There must be some mistake. The media and the democrats all told us there were no WMDs. Surely they didn't lie to us (again).

    December 10, 2012 7:40 PM

    You are watching too much Fox News!

    December 10, 2012 8:04 PM

    Chuck Cook or Jim Ireton?

  8. 8:04 is watching too much MSNBC (i.e. state run media).


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