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Sunday, December 02, 2012

Will Republicans Go Back To The Future With Jeb Bush?

In January 2008, at a John McCain rally in Columbia, S.C., I asked a number of local politicos to look back to the brutal 2000 Republican primary in their state, the one between McCain and George W. Bush. They had all supported Bush back then, and I asked whether, given the inconclusive wars, runaway federal spending and economic catastrophe of the next eight years, they felt they made the right choice.
The answer was yes. They explained that they had strongly supported Ronald Reagan, and then they supported George H.W. Bush because they had supported Reagan, and then supported George W. Bush because they had supported George H.W. Bush. It was just a natural progression.
Now, after decisive presidential defeats in 2008 and 2012, there is another Bush to consider as party insiders buzz about the possibility of a Jeb Bush candidacy. But the question, in South Carolina and elsewhere, is whether the enormous legacy advantage that George W. Bush enjoyed will still be there.
"There was a sense of loyalty that started with Reagan and moved to H.W. and then to W," said Barry Wynn, a former South Carolina GOP chairman and a continuing influential figure in the state. "Whether that translates to Jeb or not I just don't know."


  1. What is wrong with the Republicans. They are really trying to throw away the next election. Get away from them bushes. Get someone in there to legalize marijuana and tax it real good. Crack heads and dopers in this country will go ape buying like no tomorrow.

  2. It took more than Bush to create "runaway federal spending." How about both houses of Congress sharing the blame! The majority voted for the budgets and the wars!

  3. Like ole Jeb but it won't work. The GOP needs to recruit a minority and get the message of our Founders out. Small govt that serves the people, hard work and self reliance.

    Anything less and it just won't be able to compete with the takers.


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