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Saturday, December 01, 2012

What To Do With Terrorists?

What would the United States do with terrorist suspects if it shut down Guantanamo Bay? That question has mystified leaders since President Barack Obama promised to close the military prison back in 2009. There are alternatives, although none are easy. The Department of Defense has six prisons in the U.S. On average, they are just half full. The Government Accountability Office report said leaders should study cost and legal considerations plus security and space issues. Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Diane Feinstein (D-Calif.) requested the GAO report. There are 166 detainees at Guantanamo.


  1. Just what is there to study? Put them next to members of Congress since they know ALL THE ANSWERS. Besides, these terrorists would not be released if they were any danger, right? Cut them loose and stop worrying!

  2. And what is the status of the Fort Hood Muslim. He has never been to trial and won't as long as we have a Muslim President.

  3. The answer is very simple-shoot them.

  4. Wait, the author used the words "Diane Feinstein" and "Intelligence"m in the same sentence! That voids the whole article.


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