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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Walmart Security Guard Shoots 'Shoplifting' Mother Dead In Parking Lot As She Tries To Escape With Two Young Children

A 27-year-old mother of two has been fatally shot by an off-duty sheriff's deputy after he suspected her of shoplifting at a Houston Walmart.

Harris County Sheriff's deputies have said that victim Shelly Frey, Tisa Andrews and Yolanda Craig were stealing when they were confronted by Louis Campbell a 26-year veteran of the force who works as a security guard at the store.

According to Campbell the women ran to their car and when he rushed to open the door, they accelerated away - at which point he fired the deadly shot into the car which hit Frey in the neck.



  1. so why couldn't he get the plate number instead of shooting?

  2. Don't steal. Kill a few more and send a message to these leeches.

  3. About time shoplifters were delt with properly, I'm tired of paying higher prices for them stealing. Lets hope the media don't play this up as another "Travon" incident and persacute an inocent officer!

  4. why not just shoot out the tires?

  5. well she did try to run him over, and he was in his sheriffs deputy uniform

    why didnt she just stop when he asked?

    oh and she wasnt supposed to be in walmart anyway, after her last shoplifting plea deal............

  6. this story made me smile. :)

  7. How much does this save us in welfare payments?

  8. Uh, he was between the door and the car and she was backing up, he had no where to go, except onto the car. good shoot Deputy. Her mom said she as trying to make a new life after leaving NOLA after Katrina. What she was a criminal there also. She had already been arrested in Texas for stealing from another Walmart. I'm sure she will not steal again.

  9. 1:41 wont need that free phone anymore either

  10. Did he check her in?

  11. she had been arrested previously for shoplifting in a Wal*Mart and had agreed to stay out of Wal*Mart stores, she went in anyway, a violation of her agreement
    on top of the violation she once AGAIN was caught shoplifting
    the officer identified himself, as well as being in uniform, and she ran, a sign of guilt
    she tried to run the officer over, another charge
    she was setting a horrible example for small children and why were they left in the car; nothing in the article mentioned the children in the store with the three thieves. this would be another charge -- of child neglect
    the taxpayers would be paying for this one, and will for the other two, for some time, not to mention the raising of what four young children that have low-lifes for mothers. and no mention of fathers that could take responsibity of the children.
    my heart goes out to the children that have been abandoned by a woman that chose to make bad choices; perhaps the children will have a chance at a better life with some great adoptive parents, a mom and a dad, that will be the role models that children of an impressionable age should have.
    i'll get off my soapbox now.

  12. Good job! She needed a big budget just for the hideous makeup. She was a drain on society

  13. Nothing saved in Welfare---the grandparents or another relative takes over.

  14. the punishment for shoplifting is not death but incarceration. You imbreds here need to have some compassion. Keep showing your stupidity.

  15. 3:34 another redneck joke wow, bet you wouldn't say that to my face obama BOY.

  16. She tried to kill a police officer. He did what was necessary and right. The officer did not put those kids in harms way, SHE DID. She was not supposed to be at Walmart because she was a convicted THIEF, She should not have run from the officer, she should not have tried to kill the officer. In addition the women with her should be charged with murder and I hope they are. The police are put in harms way every day. I have no sympathy for this THIEF or the other two THIEVES.

  17. Good job officer. One more freeloader gone.

  18. The comments about the welfare payments and the free phone are completely inappropriate.

    Do I feel that the officer did the right thing?? Absolutely. After all she did try to run him over with her car.

    I feel sorry for the kids that were in the car. They have to be completely traumatized by this.

    It's a shame that it came to this, but she did try to run over and kill the officer.

  19. This is/was a human being. The posts on this site are disgusting and unhumane. Grow up, enter the human race.

  20. Meanwhile in Philly Satruday Three black punks ages 14 and 13 shot a young white mother of a 23 year old for telling them to "get a job" as they were harasing her boyfriend IN THEIR OWN YARD. What excuse to you have for those black boys 3:34? But blacks killing whites doesn't matter, right?

  21. Damn good job! I think the security guard needs a promotion!

  22. In the neck while in a moving vehicle. Excellent shot.

  23. Judge, jury, executioner. What cop do you know who would ever shoot at a car with children inside? None that I know. But then again, this is Texas. They have their own standards.

  24. I say great shot. She hit him and with precision accuracy after being run it he killed her! Give him an award. He didn't Bram the innocent kids. Good job sir!

  25. Replies
    1. Really..."kill them off"...WHAT?!

  26. 9:10 pm, do you realize how many people of ALL ethnic groups down here engage in the behavior you describe.


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