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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Violent, Racist Union Thugs Destroy Hot Dog Cart

This is apparently OK with the Legacy Media, since the violent, racist union thugs funnel money to and vote Democrat
(The Blaze) A man running a local hot dog stand in Michigan’s state capital was among those attacked by protesters of the state’s “Right to Work” legislation while he served food in a tent that was torn down yesterday. The man was also allegedly taunted when he tried to salvage some of his property.

During Tuesday’s protests — the day Gov. Rick Snydersigned into law what he said is “pro-worker” legislation — the equipment Clint Tarver uses to run Clint’s Hot Dog Cart and Casual Catering was destroyed by people some have called “union thugs.”

According to the Lansing State Journal, Tarver was hired by the pro-Right-to-Work group Americans for Prosperity to serve hot dogs in the tent. TheBlaze reported about the tent’s destruction Tuesday — and how protesters were reportedly cutting up and distributing pieces of it as “souvenirs.”


  1. down with unions. no longer relavent. they are useless, expensive, cohersive and corrupt.

  2. What's interesting is the fact that this was a black guy and no one is calling it a hate crime.

  3. "Swing Low...Swing Chariot"December 15, 2012 at 5:35 PM

    Hang them!!!

  4. 3:46-If you've heard the guy speak,you would know he's above the whole racial issue.Had he taken that route it would most certainly have been called a hate crime.

  5. that sure helps their image doesn't it?


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