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Tuesday, December 04, 2012

U.S. Risks 'Another Benghazi' Under Mexican Rules Barring Agents From Arming

U.S. agents on assignment in Mexico, where they are helping the local authorities go after violent drug cartels, are not allowed to carry weapons for their own protection, a situation that one lawmaker says could turn into “another Benghazi.”

Because the official role of U.S. agents south of the border is limited to intelligence gathering and training their Mexican counterparts, they are barred by Mexico from carrying weapons. The danger they face was underscored last month, when 15 Mexican National Police were arrested in connection with the attempted murder of two CIA agents in August.

“I don't want another Benghazi, absolutely do I feel our agents should be armed," Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas), the incoming chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, told FoxNews.com. 



  1. This is a joke. Right?

  2. First of all, our guys in ANY other country should be in an embassy or Consulate on land OWNED bu us, so they can be ARMED TO THE TEETH! They will be there for negotiation purposes ONLY, and be allowed to protect OUR SOIL and themselves.

    IF they are asked to go out on drug patrols, they should reserve their right to have proper defense, including RPG's, laser guided missiles, and radios to call in air strikes. If the Mexican government disagrees, fine. we stay in the compound and let Mexican authorities handle their own affairs. They can come by any time and ask our advice!

    This should be standard Foreign Policy ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD!

    This is what Ron Paul tried to explain to everyone. But, 47% won't listen, and 53% just want to stir up smoke and mirrors and raise arguments!

    So, nothing will get done here, and more will be killed...

  3. So, it would be okay for MEXICAN cops to be in the USA, armed and gunning down some Americans? American cops kill enough innocent civilians (including children) all by their lonesome. Thats the job, boys. Don't like it? Wal-Mart's hiring. Its a war that can't be won. EVER. Lets just act like ANOTHER FORTY YEARS of the "War on Drugs" will accomplish anything other than the continued employment of hundreds of thousands of cops, judges, prison guards, attorneys, probation officers and such. Yeah. THAT makes a LOT of sense. Keep it up--- it's working GREAT so far, huh?


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