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Monday, December 10, 2012

Today's Survey Question 12-10-12

Do you expect to collect social security when your eligible?


  1. Already receiving it just hope to be able to continue gettin it LOL

  2. I will start drawing in 6 months when I turn 62. I expect to get it for a few years but have real questions about how long it will last. I do not expect my children to get anything.

  3. NOPE even though its my money.

  4. I got in early, hoping for no changes retroactively.
    No doubt in my mind, they'll come after the poor slobs that paid into it, not the non-taxpaying voter base entitlements.

  5. 12-10-12
    Not NO BUT HELL NO! If I had the option to invest (regulated)the money I've paid into Soc. Sec. right now I'd be able to retire a millionaire and NOT DEPEND on those stupid bastards in Washington for ANYTHING or either cent of subsistance.
    I'm certain there are those out there in cyberland who are thinking I don't know what I'm saying but they are like the rest of the Democrats led by OWE'Bama, mentally bankrupt because they can't put a pencil to ANY financial equasion other than GIVE IT AWAY!!!!!
    P.S. To bolster what I just told you, I'm retired from a labor union and if I signed up TODAY I could draw the MAXIMUM.

  6. I figure I'll die at work

  7. In 7 years I hope, if not grandpop may have to rob a bank

  8. Yes Dec 16, 2012
    You all keeping now!

  9. I'm with 12:35 Will die at work. Obamacare will teach me the proper way to die and not be a burden on a socialistic society.

  10. I've been drawing it , my wife filed last month and should receive her first check January 2013. That is , if we are not involved the revolution that will surely take place soon.

  11. Oh, sure, I'll get to collect it, but by the time they print up enough money to keep funding it, it won't buy a loaf of bread for a day. The dollars will be worthless. I'm with Bob Aswell. I wish I could have saved that money instead. Now, I will work 'til I'm dead.

  12. Thankfully I have a job and according to the last print out I received I can retire in 20 years (age 71) no I don't see the money I have paid in coming back to me. Thankfully I made the decision long ago not to have children so there is not another person supporting some unknown person.
    Actually it is scary and I just may die in the office, could be worst


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