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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

There Ain't No 'X' in Christmas

I am sick and tired of a few atheists, politically correct elitists and the lawyers at the ACLU telling Americans we have no right to publicly display of the symbols of Christmas.

Talk about the tail wagging the dog. The only reason we even have Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, hence CHRISTmas. What's so hard to understand about that?

Does this seem as ridiculous to ya'll as it does to me?

The truth of the matter is that it's only a tiny minority of the population who claim to be offended by the public display of religious symbols, and I refuse to believe it's their rights they're trying to preserve, but yours they're trying to take away.



  1. right on charlie thanks sjd

  2. I thought the X in Xmas came from the chi-rho symbol for Christ.

  3. Not this again. No one's rights are being taken away. Want to have a 50 foot tall manger scene on your property or a church property or on any private property..... go right ahead, no one is taking your right to do so away. On land, or property, that is government owned, there cannot be any preferential treatment for any religion. People who are upset about this are confused... no ones rights are being taken away AT ALL, you are just not able to get preferential privilege anymore on public land to force your religious views on everyone else while excluding all other Americans.

  4. Anon 7:14
    if you think our way of life is not slowly being taken away you need to pull your head out and look around every day every min someone is crying that offends me take it down or ill take you to court they have people that fly the flag on there own property take them down due to it might offend someone so don't tell me our right and our way of life in not being taken away i say you don't like the way we live here you can take you @#$% back to where you came

  5. Love it when people say it like it is. Charlie Daniels tells it like it is!
    The libbers want to take everything away and have everyone dependent on the government. I am thankful for those that take a stand for the rights of ALL the people ALL the time.


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