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Saturday, December 15, 2012


“Here is the truth about welfare from one who works in a PA welfare office. While welfare is designed to provide assistance to those who are at the lower end of the economic spectrum. The program was designed to supplement people’s efforts in supporting themselves not being their sole support. Reality is that there are some that by no fault of their own will never be able to fully support themselves, but the number of people who could have supported themselves but due to poor decision making (and suffering the negative consequences of those decisions) only continues to grow. The truth is that welfare, though an assist for some is a trap for too many. There are some who escape the trap, and more power to them, but for most it is a trap. It is far too easy to become complacent and begin to rely on the system. There is little to no incentive to leave the system. I have seen too many people come through our doors ashamed to be asking for help, and years later are fighting to remain on the welfare rolls and seeking more. Without serious reform the future will only consist of more and more people receiving benefit and fewer and fewer paying more and more taxes to support them.”

Read more at http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com/#RvOTbHZH5UuXCB0g.99

1 comment:

  1. This is so sad but so true. Social Services has become the newest version of Walmart without having to pay for anything. Some come in, minus the shoping cart. They have a list of what they want because they say that they are entitled to it. I hope that people realize that what the Government gives away can also be taken away. Our Government is in trouble now because of sending too much money to other countries instead of keeping it here. The welfare program needs to be revamped. It makes me angry to hear a young female say, if I have another child, it's like getting a raise and I don't have to work!


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