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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Bare, Naked Truth About The Federal Reserve's Socialist Agenda

The top line story, according to the FDIC's latest Quarterly Banking Review, is that the majority of U.S. banks are in better shape today than they have been in years.

The untold story is that when the Federal Reserve is done transitioning the United States from capitalism to socialism, the few dozen banks that remain in America will all be profitable until they need bailing out again, but will never die and live on in infamy.

Is that just hyperbole or some wild conspiracy theory? It's neither. Unfortunately, it's the bare, naked truth about the Fed.

It doesn't matter that you didn't know the Federal Reserve System was the brainchild of a handful of the world's most powerful bankers.

Or that all of them took a secret train from New Jersey to Jekyll Island, Georgia (owned by J.P. Morgan) in 1910 aboard Rhode Island Senator Nelson Aldrich's private car to devise and orchestrate the creation of the Federal Reserve.

Or that Aldrich was an investment associate of J.P. Morgan, that his son-in-law was John D. Rockefeller, Jr., or that he was the political spokesman for big business and banking interests in Congress.

It doesn't matter if you don't know who the powerful bankers are today that run the Fed's twelve district banks. Or that the Fed's New York Bank conducts all its open market operations with a bunch of favored big banks it protects (Case in point, MF Global).


  1. Nobody seems to realize that the idiot congress in 1912 created the Federal Reserve by abdicating their constitutional duty to issue currency to the Fed.

    Nor do they realize that the Federal Reserve is a private bank, owned by the largest banks that it regulates.

    The Fed makes our money out of thin air, and then lends it to us at interest. Their balance sheet is secret. This encourages them to make all the money that they want, for free, and put our country in debt the instant that the 1's and 0's are transferred. They legally hold our assets and our labor hostage, to the point where it's breaking our country.

    Andrew Jackson supposedly claimed his greatest achievement was helping to kill the Second Bank of the United States. He vetoed their charter renewal because the bank concentrated wealth and power in the hands of the few, corrupted congress, and unfairly promoted interests in the Northeastern states. This is certainly the case with the Fed today.

    The Fed's charter expires in 2013. Please consider educating yourself on the matter and helping to build a grass roots effort to let the politicians know that this is a bad deal for our country. If we don't speak up, they will be given another century to bail out their friends and suck our country dry.

  2. yeah! that's what i was gonna say.

  3. 121 is absolutely correct. The fed is a parasite to our economy. It uses its monopoly on our U.S. dollar - "Federal Reserve Notes"- to enrich its private stockholders at the expense of the U.S. Taxpayer. The money supply or Fed is what is wrong with our economy. It may be the most important question we face as a nation, who do we allow to control our money. The Constitution says ONLY Congress has the authority to print money and regulate its value because the Founding Fathers knew how important this is. SO WHY ARE WE LETTING A PRIVATE BANK CONTROL OUR MONEY!?!? It is time to END THE FED.

  4. Only problem is that people don't care. And it is not taught in schools. There are a few that realize what the deal is but ask anyone some questions about the Fed and you mostly get a blank stare. Whilst their money is being stolen.


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