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Monday, December 03, 2012

Susan Rice Keystone XL Attacks Put White House In A Bind

When Susan Rice's potential nomination to the post of secretary of state hit another snag this past week, the White House found itself in a quandary.

On Wednesday, a publication affiliated with the Natural Resources Defense Council dug into the ambassador to the United Nations' financial disclosures, and discovered that she and her husband were heavily invested in several oil companies in western Canada including one, Transcanada, that currently has a project under review at the State Department.

As secretary of state, Rice would have to oversee the review of that project, the Keystone XL pipeline, which has dragged on for several controversial and tortured years.



  1. Shes a LIAR and would have conflict of interest if she is appointed,Whats the diferrence anyway? We have a tax cheat running the Treasury dept.

  2. somebody must have asked her what her IQ was.

  3. somebody must have asked her how many different countries obammy was born in.

  4. Well that nails it. She's a 5+ time liar, so she's IN!


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