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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Study: More Casinos Don't Mean More Money For State

More casinos do not necessarily mean more casino-goers, according to a study released by the University of Iowa.

It's a finding Maryland may have to grapple with as its casinos double in number over the next four years.

The survey looked at how much and how often Iowa residents reported using the state's 21 casinos and compared the results to similar surveys conducted in 1995 and 1989. While the number of Iowa casinos has more than doubled since 1995, the percentage of Iowans who gamble dropped from 23 percent to 14 percent over that time. The number of residents who refrained from gambling grew from 72 percent in 1995 to the current 83 percent.



  1. of course our state would never research what is happening with gambling in other states. why would they want the facts before they pass a bill? this is far too much to expect from our elected officials.

  2. Anon 4:11pm

    It wasn't our elected officials. The voters are the ones that got this passed.


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