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Monday, December 03, 2012

State Police Spent Close to $100,000 Traveling With O’Malley Outside Maryland

The Maryland State Police spent nearly $100,000 on out-of-state travel to provide executive protection services for the politically ambitious Gov. Martin O’Malley (D) during the first nine months of the year, according to state officials.

The 26 trips included many in which O’Malley traveled in his capacity as chairman of the Democratic Governors Association or to raise out-of-state money for Maryland ballot measures on same-sex sex marriage and immigrant tuition rates.

While other organizations typically picked up the cost of O’Malley’s travel when he wasn’t on state business, most of the expenses incurred by the troopers were paid for by the state in keeping with a long-standing policy in Maryland, aides said. 



  1. Too bad they couldn't leave him in some of the places he travelled....

  2. 602 stole my thunder!!! I'd love to pay them 100k to escort him out of the State and kept him out!

  3. Our tax dollars at work;Obama boys!

  4. You haven't seen anything yet. With his campaign for President he will be traveling much more and we will be paying for it.

  5. the little man who would be king sure does know how to piss away our money doesn't he ? oh wait, he's a commiecrat, that's what they do.....

  6. Just like his big brother King Obama, a wanna be that never will be.for to those who dint deserve ti respect never comes.

  7. These trips, for personal gain, should be his dime, not the taxpayers. This should be for all political posturing, ALL of them should not recieve pay or taxpayer money to campaign.


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