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Sunday, December 02, 2012

"Stand Your Ground"

"Stand Your Ground" strikes again in Florida. This past weekend, 17-year-old Jordan Russell Davis was shot and killed as he sat in a sport-utility vehicle after yelling back at 45-year-old Michael David Dunn. 

According to the Orlando Sentinel – Davis was sitting in the vehicle with several other friends when Dunn pulled up and asked Davis to turn down the music. Word were exchanged, and Dunn pulled out a gun and fired nine shots into the vehicle, killing Davis. Dunn was arrested and charged with murder, however he is claiming self-defense meaning Florida's controversial "Stand Your Ground" law could play a factor in the case. As was the case nine months ago in Florida when Trayvon Martin was shot and killed as a result of the Stand Your Ground law, Davis is also an African American. The shooter, Dunn, is white. In Florida, 70% of those who invoke "Stand Your Ground" end up walking away scot-free. And 73% of those who kill a black person and invoke "Stand Your Ground" end up walking free. These laws were written by the American Legislative Exchange Council – known as ALEC – which receives its funding from the Koch brothers. And the law's intended purpose is to give legal cover to gun retailers like Walmart when their weapons are used to kill people. But, as we've seen in Florida twice now in the last nine months, when corporations write our laws, public safety is the loser. We must repeal these laws which legalize race-related murders.


  1. Well, that's your side of the story, and I find it hard to believe that there wasn't something else that was happening there that caused the further action. I'll wait for the other side of the story.

    This is not even comparable to the Trayvon Martin attack on George Zimmerman!

  2. this is a whole lot of bullcrap. stand your ground is taking a beating. if the shooter is a black "no problem".
    we should not kill any of these fine productive citizens, we are about to have a shortage, how will the democrats win any more elections without they're base?
    God Bless America!

  3. Look, I abhor senseless violence like this (as reported, anyway)and regret any needless loss of life. What I don't understand is why every instance of a black person being murdered by a white has to be turned into some cause for national mourning and an exercise in self-reflection - with laws questioned and police procedure examined. This circus simply does not happen if those involved are of any other racial mixture. I hope justice is achieved in this case - no more or less than any other of the thousands of under-reported crimes that go on in this country.

  4. WTH? Sounds like somebody over med this morning. Koch bros protecting walmart for the shooting of blacks under "stand your ground" law.

  5. this article was obviously written by a liberal. Trayvon was not murdered because of the Stand Your Ground Law, period. He was shot because he attacked an innocent Florida citizen. Don't go beating up on the laws that protect the innocent, why not enforce existing laws that are repeatedly violated by evil doers.

  6. Both were sitting in their vehicles and there was no struggle, so where does the self defense come in to play?

    Nine shots? If the account here is true it sounds more like murder to me.

    To repeal "stand your ground," wouldn't that be repealing the right to shoot in self defense?

  7. Maybe he should have turned the music down and not irritate others with his actions?

    Nawwwwwwwww. That would require some responsibility.

  8. No mention of any weapons in car, or threats?

  9. I am sure this hood and his bros were just looking at their Bibles!

  10. I expected some of you would defend this nutcase.He was wrong,plain and simple.

  11. >>>I expected some of you would defend this nutcase.He was wrong,plain and simple.<<<

    Forget the investigation and the trial. 4:02 knows exactly what happened and who is guilty. Folks need to learn to question the 'facts' that are put forth by the media. People who trust the media do stupid things, like re-elect Obama.

  12. 4:02 PM

    How do YOU know? Where you there?

    From personal experience I can visualize the scene. I am quite sure they deserved what they got.

  13. Thank you, 452! I am 819 am. I stick to what I said! It's a LOVELY story, and he tells it so well; with such ENTHUSIASM!

    Let's hear the other side and from a real jury, first!

  14. Don't most 'normal' people turn down their radio/cd whatever when they pull into a store parking lot?

    This kid was in the back seat anyway. Why would or should he open his mouth to begin with?

    Cops kill people everyday when the don't do as the cops tell them. Why can't citizens enjoy the same power?

    His lawyer said any gun owner would have done as he did.

    Can't wait to hear the rest of the facts.

    One scenario I can imagine is 3 dark teens mouthing off and threatening him.

    That could be why he said he felt threatened. He couldn't leave since his girlfriend was in the store.

    'Maybe' they were making motions to get out of their car and whoop whitey.

    Whitey not gonna stand for it. He rather 'stand his ground'.

    Sorry you lost your kid, but it you taught him some manners he might be alive.

    The others in the car were just as bad.

  15. Start getting national publicity and outrage over the THOUSANDS of black youth killed each year BY other blacks. Never hear much about that, huh? But as soon as a WHITE person shoots a black person, it's cause for media outrage. What a bunch of BS....

  16. Not to mention the black on white murder and violent crime 7:56.
    NO One will call that the racism that it is for fear of the PC speech police. In other words, White kills black = racist hate crime... Black kills white? non story. Or, poor upbringing, or abuse or bla bla bla, any other excuse the liberal racists can come up with but the truth.
    Blacks are strongly racist and criminal towards whites.

  17. I'm sure that what he was listening to wasn't what most of us would call music.

  18. I am an old white man that doesn't really care for other ethnic groups, as they don't care for us. No big deal, but I for damn sure am not going to shoot somebody over music. Move to another parking spot you idiot.


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