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Thursday, December 20, 2012


Female US cop caught on tape giving two women body cavity search during routine traffic stop... and 'using the SAME gloves on both'
Angel Dobbs, 38, and niece Ashley Dobbs, 24, were pulled over on State Highway 161 near Irving, Texas

Trooper searched car for marijuana before requesting invasive cavity search

Older woman claims search by trooper Kellie Helleson irritated an anal cyst she was suffering causing 'severe pain and discomfort'

Also suing the Texas Department of Public Safety for failing to act on previous complaints about 'violating' searches


  1. ooooh the funny things i could say about this!!! but i know old joe would never show 'em!!!

  2. Read the article. The cop said he "smelled marijuana". Reason enough for a search, though it can't be proved or disputed. She was searched. Passenger searched. Car searched. Prescription painkillers disappear...I wonder who got them??? A drunk driving test. No pot found. No drunk driving arrest. ALL THAT over a cigarette butt??? And they still have a job?? AND a roadside "cavity search" done in full view of passing motorists. What did that cop think they did? Stuff a couple of joints in there? AND they were so intent on finding what wasn't there that they went WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY overboard in their "public service". I'm not even a lawyer and I think I could win MILLIONS from the numerous POLICE crimes that these two Hitlerite wnna-bes committed. But I'm SURE--- it was the first time they EVER did something like this. And why didn't she protest? Ever complain to a cop that he has no right to do something, or that what he doing is illegal or in violation of any statute? Public masters don't take that too kindly. They forgot a long time ago who they work for....they will get reminded soon. To the tune of about 10 million...

  3. Well C'Mon now...you cannot discriminate against the Lesbian Cop now can ya?

  4. And only the female cop got suspended. Both need to be fired, fined and tried in a court of law. Outrageous.


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