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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Senator Barbara Mikulski Embarks On A New Role

Senator Barbara Mikulski will soon embark on a new position as the chair of the Senate Appropriations committee.

On Wednesday evening, she tweeted to her followers about the position: “It's an honor & privilege to be expected to follow the great leadership of Senator Inouye as Appropriations Committee Chairwoman.”

Her assignment to that committee comes after Sen. Patrick Leahy said early Wednesday that he would not take the post.



  1. A horrible senator.

  2. Good for her. She's worked tirelessly for the people of Maryland.

  3. Do us a favor and retire.

  4. 11:23 how long since your labotomy?

  5. ANOTHER politician who thinks serving in the Senate, the House, or wherever they "serve" is a CAREER. It was never intended to be such, but with all the bribes, kickbacks, campaign cash, world travel, etc, and in her case, FOOD, well, they are like pigs at the trough. I won't be year before she has to travel to a dozen foreign countries (all sunny and warm, at OUR expense, of course).

  6. "Good for her. She's worked tirelessly for the people of Maryland."

    Now, that's just funny!

  7. 8:38 its not funny thats the kind of mental illness that person has the news is talking about right now


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