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Thursday, December 06, 2012

Ryan: US Could Give Every Poor American a Check for $20,000 With The Money Spent On Welfare Last Year

Former Republican vice presidential candidate Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said Tuesday that over a trillion dollars was spent on welfare programs last year, and for that amount, “you could give every single poor American a check for $20,000.”

“Just last year, total federal and state spending on means-tested programs came to over one trillion dollars. What does that mean in practical terms? For that amount of money, you could give every single poor American a check for $20,000 – every man, woman and child,” said Ryan in a speech at the Jack Kemp Award ceremony.



  1. Ryan pointed out that 48 years after President Lyndon Johnson launched the war on poverty in 1964, “poverty is winning.”

    “When Lyndon Johnson launched the war on poverty in 1964, he predicted it would eliminate poverty in 35 to 50 years. So here we are 48 years later, and poverty is winning,” Ryan said.

  2. Politicians are disgusting

  3. Maybe some day he'll be elected President or Vice president.Ryan has a lot of good ideas.

  4. Anonymous 629PM....Not if the liberals have anything to do with it. I still feel as though this past election was "rigged"somehow, someway! I just cant imagine that many people putting loser Obama back in for another four years to destroy our country even more than the last four years.

  5. While it hasn't been announced how long it will last, $20,000 (per person!) in spend money would come in real handy when Obama takes us on vacation to Hawaii. I think anything that helps Obama not having to pay for everything himself is helpful.

  6. 6:44

    That is because you are completely misguided and you are stuck on the eastern shore which is a cesspool of ignorance and misleading propaganda.

  7. Hey, 8:59, do you really think that if someone just lives on the Eastern Shore they are ignorant? You must live here, too to come up with that one! Maybe you need to relive your 6th grade education for a minute.

    Paul Ryan has a grip seemingly on our current fiscal environment, but I think it needs constant monitoring to be safe. But, that's crazy talk, right?

  8. Ryan should be the HOUSE SPEAKER and we need to fire the other idiot PER THE PEOPLE!!!

  9. That is because you are completely misguided and you are stuck on the eastern shore which is a cesspool of ignorance and misleading propaganda.

    December 6, 2012 8:59 PM

    That's not nice. No one is stuck on the shore. We have roads heading in all 4 directions.

    I pray you choose one quickly.

  10. I'm sure he knows that you can't give the poor cash, they will spend it on cigarettes, booze and drugs before the baby gets fed. Sad but true.

  11. But its not enough. After all, there's lottery, steamed crabs, and $200 Nikes. Quit hating on the people who are doing their best to repopulate the planet. Just because YOU work and can't afford that stuff, doesn't mean EVERYONE should suffer.


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