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Saturday, December 15, 2012

R.I.P Sandy Hook Elementary School Children

I hope this poetry offers some sort of comfort to some aching hearts: 

This morning I woke up,
looked at the Connecticut sky.
I had a good feeling
I can't tell you why.

I kissed Mommy goodbye,
and told Daddy I love you.
And before we separated at the sign,
I told sister see you soon.

The bell rung,
we all rushed inside.
It was warm and loving
like a campfire light.

The teacher smiled,
my friends waved hello.
We started class,
but before you know..

The door busted open,
a man with a gun.
I was scared and broken
I looked at the sun.

The same sun I saw
with so much love.
Now brought me worry
but I'd stay tough.

I felt a pain
go through my whole body.
I saw a light
and an awful goodbye.

I saw Mommy's face,
her beautiful, soft lips.
I kissed her this morning,
she was something I'd miss.

I smelled Daddy's cologne,
when he hugged me today.
He left for work,
not knowing what life would take.

Sister was only a few blocks away,
in a classroom, I could see
I'll never get to say
how much she means to me.

My 6th birthday was coming soon,
I was dreaming of ponies
and shoes.

Then I felt a hand
touch my face.
I was overwhelmed
in an amazing grace.

God said to me,
"don't be worry, child.
you've been here before.
it's just been a while."

I looked on my back,
where I found wings.
I felt a halo
and clouds under my feet.

With me, when I looked,
were my friends by my side.
That man sent us here,
but I"m alright.

Maybe he was sick,
maybe he was crazy.
Maybe he hurt us
because he was hurting, maybe?

I watch the tears
all over the country.
Over the few years
their pain because of me.

I watched my family
break apart.
but they knew
I was in their hearts.

I don't know much,
but I know this;
my mommy should've never
had to bury her own kid.

Although it's tough,
although it's hard
I think God would want us to forgive
th killer in our hearts.

What you dont know,
but what I'll tell you,
is I'm just fine.
in this heaven of mine.

Maybe this will teach you
to never regret a thing.
Be happy with what God gave you,
because you could've been me.

Now, maybe I was young,
maybe I didn't deserve it.
But maybe I taught a lesson,
now please...learn it.

Love with everything,
always smile a lot.
Remember this lesson,
that I taught.

Wipe the tears,
enjoy the years.
Time goes by fast,
you don't know which day is your last.

Pray for my famlily,
for my friend's family, too.
I'm sure they'll be grateful,
and thankful to you.

I'm an angel,
all brand new.
I came up here
this afternoon.

I would be 6 years old,
but God has a plan.
Remember this feeling of distraught,
remember this lesson that I taught.

Written by J.J. 12/14/12
Edited by S.Z. 12/14/12


  1. Nice try,but some who read the above will feel worse after reading it than before.

  2. This is beautiful and so well written. This will touch your heart like you never thought.

  3. We never know, today may be our last day. It is sad but as long as our law makers contiue to be more pro gay rights and ignore the mental health problem namely, laws that need to change,children who don't get early treatment or the doctors who dont EP disturbed clients, the viewpoint that mental illness is evil not a medical condition and the lack of improved quality mental health care, this is what our reality is.

  4. Very well done!
    There will be many tears and much heartache in the days, weeks, and months ahead for the families of Sandy Hook. What can we do for them? Hold them up in prayer daily.
    The pain is very fresh, decisions need to be made. Christmas is around the corner and these families will feel this pain all over again, as if it just happened. Continue to hold these families up in prayer. Some of these families made fall apart because of this pain. Our prayers must continue to go to our Heavenly Father for these families. GOD was taken out of our schools so long ago, prayer is forbidden. Because of the loose, or totally lacking morals/ethics of this country these type of horrendous killings will, unfortunately, continue. Folks, we are indeed living in the end times that are written in the Bible. When was the last time you read any portion of the Bible? When was the last time you entered a Bible believing church and listened to a God fearing pastor preach the Word? Our country is in the strong arms of Satan; we must make every effort to turn this country around while there is still time. Please remember GOD did NOT leave us; we left Him.

  5. I hope in time I can forgive this man who killed so many.

    But right now my heart is full of hate. I would have liked to gone to Ct. to kill him myself.

    But the coward did it for us, denying us the satisfaction.

    How anyone could do this I cannot understand.

    I pray for the victims families. And let's not forget the police, first responders and others who had to see this in person.

    How they must feel I have not a clue. It's killing me so it has to be worse for them.

    God Bless.

  6. And another example of why nothing gets done or moves forward.

    Someone is always too eager to point out flaws in any kind of plan to address the issues which leads to more talking, debate, even name calling.

    We need to get the program moving, whatever it may be, then you can point out the flaws and correct them as they appear and keep moving.

    Talk is fine. We need to talk about different issues. We need to talk about what to do.

    But we also NEED to put some part of action behind those words.

    We could talk for hours about how it is raining, but until someone opens an umbrella or opens a door to go inside, you will still be getting wet.

    Talk and action should be partners. Not obstacles to each other.


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