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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Ravens OC Beach Bash Dates Are Set

The Ravens are returning to Ocean City May 30 - June 1, 2012 this summer for the second annual Ravens Ocean City Beach Bash.

Fans can join Ravens players, cheerleaders, Playmakers, Poe, talent from 98 Rock and Miller Lite as they turn Ocean City into Ravenstown for the weekend.



  1. They better enjoy their day it will be one and done in the PLAYOFFS

  2. Maybe flacco can show how to grow the unibrow!! he sure can't show how to throw a football!

  3. I highly recommend LOTS of security. Whenever the Ravens, also known as the second shift of prisoners at Jessup, show up, someone gets killed, beaten up, or gets found in a river. That team seems to pride itself on how many of its players are on probation or under investigation, and witnesses who suddenly "forget" what happened. And wives who fall down the steps a lot. A lot. And their girlfriends never find THAT out until its too late....


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