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Monday, December 03, 2012

Politics At Its Worst

What do you do when you have several state politicians who break their backs trying to help the Eastern Shore like our representatives have done since Hurricane Sandy and the Feds simply shut us down.

Thousands of people in Somerset County have lost most everything. Governor O'Malley spent the last year traveling all over the state and country pimping President Obama like a puppet and no matter what is said on this issue, Governor O'Malley failed to come through to help the residents of Somerset County.

The proof in the end will be, will Governor O'Malley finally criticize President Obama and the Feds for ignoring so many people in need? 

I want to thank Senator Jim Mathias, Delegate Norm Conway, Delegate Mike McDermott, Delegate Charles Otto and Congressman Andy Harris. These people pulled every string and called in every favor they had to help Somerset County. I know this personally and first hand.

All that aside, what do we do now. I'll tell you what we do. THIS IS THE EASTERN SHORE! We need to "Pay It Forward" and come together as ONE. 

Many people have come forward and said, I'm 70 years old. I can't do physical work but there's got to be something I can do. Do what I have done and many other friends of mine. I just went out and bought a new dishwasher and a dryer. I upgraded my appliances so I could donate the ones I replaced. 

If you can physically help, there is so much that is needed and they'll need help for a good year. If you have building supplies lying around, 2x4's, plywood, insulation, nails, drywall screws, paint, donate it. Every little bit will help. We can always come up with a drop off location locally and deliver these supplies on a weekly basis. 

Christmas is just 22 days away. Adopt a Family by buying 2 sheets of drywall. 

Somerset County is loaded with self reliant people. That doesn't mean we can't lend a hand in so many different ways.

Tonight's announcement is a kick in the teeth. So we've been knock down but by God we're not out. O'Malley and Obama have proven they have forgotten where they came from. 

The next time O'Malley and Obama want crabs or seafood, tell them to go pound sand. 


  1. Not the sand. Tell them to go to a REDLITE DISTRICT.

  2. Pack sand? tell them to go to hell!

  3. I am a Crisfielder, and I want to thank you and others for helping our town. Without the help from the rest of the shore, there are families who will never recover. I was one of the lucky ones, and my damage was not devastating. Our governor and president should visit here for 24 hours to see an accurate picture.

    Thank you, Joe, for your volunteering time in Crisfield.

  4. Next time it's time to have the big ass eastern shore crab feast for the politicians, let's make sure there are ample quantities of warm sand to serve up to them, and no beer to wash it down with. Pull the plug on this fiasco. They want us to pound sand, well, they can too.

  5. To be honest... this might be a good thing....dealing with the government crap isn't the best way... the local communities can help out with private and charitable fund

  6. Typical hypocritical crud. "We Big government, that is until it's our term to get some of those 'handouts'"

  7. You can bet that had this been Baltimore County that their damage would have been covered. We have always been self sufficient and we will help our family, friends, neighbors and communities rebuild and get their lives back. It will take some time, but we will get through this together.

    As far as O'Malley and Obama, I wouldn't tell them to pound sand. They deserve to hear Kiss My Eastern Shore A$$...

  8. PLEASE make a list of what is needed and I am sure we can fill a trailer. Joe show them how it is done. The good hearted people on the EASTERN SHORE can get R done.

    Make a list and check it twice. :)

  9. They can't give the people of Crisfield, Maryland funding and assistance, but they can throw out some more of that free money for unneeded paid fireman to chase ambulances all day.

    Senate agrees on USFA, FIRE and SAFER grants reauthorization

    The House and Senate versions must be hammered out in joint committee meetings

    By FireRescue1 Staff

    WASHINGTON — Thursday evening the Senate unanimously accepted an amendment to reauthorize the FIRE and SAFER grant programs and the U.S. Fire Administration through fiscal year 2017.

    Related Resource:
    Reauthorization of the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) Program
    Related Feature:

    Election 2012: What it means to the fire service
    Political expert Bill Webb tells us what to expect in the coming years

    This amendment was offered by Sens. Joe Lieberman (ID-Conn.), Susan Collins (R-Maine), Tom Carper (D-Del.), Scott Brown (R-Mass.), Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.), Christopher Coons (D-Del.) and Robert Casey, Jr. (D-Pa.) to S. 3254, the Fiscal Year 2013 National Defense Authorization Act.

    A full description of the FIRE and SAFER provisions can be found on the IAFC fact sheet, which summarizes this agreement.

    "This is an important victory for America’s fire and emergency service," said Chief Hank Clemmensen, the International Association of Fire Chief's president and chairman. "Fire service organizations and their allies in Congress worked many years to bring this legislation to fruition."

    The amendment includes a number of major reforms, including ensuring a larger percentage of funding for fire prevention and safety, a large award size for larger jurisdiction, and establishing economic hardship waivers for communities that have responder requirements, but cannot meet the required local match.

    This amendment is consistent with an agreement reached earlier this year by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee.

    "We are very grateful to Sen. Lieberman and the co-sponsors of this amendment for working diligently to bring reauthorization of these programs one step closer to reality," said Bill Webb, executive director of the Congressional Fire Service Institute.

    As a condition of the amendment’s passage, Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) insisted on a provision that would sunset the FIRE and SAFER grant programs in five years.

    While it is not ideal, the provision is a typical concession in budget discussions and will be addressed over the years.

    The Senate also approved changes to the Public Safety Officers' Benefits program that includes mandatory funding for disability benefits, expanded coverage for some nonprofit EMS providers, and the addition of vascular rupture under the causes of death covered by the Hometown Heroes provision.

    "I thank the IAFC members who supported this critical legislation and the senators who stepped forward to ensure this support for fire departments," Clemmensen said. "I urge Congress to include this amendment in the final version of the FY 2013 National Defense Authorization Act and President Obama to sign it into law."

  10. i don't know about the governor (other than he's a bleeding heart liberal), but the prez. is spending our tax dollars like there's no tomorrow on vacations and over 100 rounds of golf and so much more. couldn't we have a portion of that money? ask the good people in jersey and n.y. what the prez. did for them. they'll fill your ear.

    NEVER depend on the government for anything. they are NOT your friend.

  11. Again, I feel sorry for those affected but you have had alot of help and material goods given to you. Alot of places were affected along the coast but I have not heard any whinning from them. It seems the more you do for Crisfield the more they want. Got their hand out for more and more. You choose to live there, you've had alot of help and you should just move on. I know people that live there that are saying there are some who are eating this free stuff up. I have helped all I intend to because I feel they are now being greedy.

  12. fema wasnt ever meant to rebuild peoples homes after a disaster no just right them a check....FLOOD insurance is what that is for.I you live near the water and dont carry flood insurance then unfortunatly its on you. Bashing politically over this wont change or fix it.Fema isnt writing checks up north either. To be honest you dont have thousands of people in somerset county....that have lost everything. Look to the north and you can see tens of thousands of people who have nothing.Its not the goverments job to rebuild your house after its damaged when you chose to live near the water with no insurance....know the facts before you yap.....

  13. Mr. Owemally and his ilk have no use for somerset county except that it be kept in its place. Oh ye of short memories have forgotten that when we could have had jobs from walmart or building a house or two in Princess Anne he did everything he could to squelch it.

  14. All these card carrying conservatives crying because they want Big Government to save them. Hilarious.

  15. 1. on mtgs. obtained today through lenders; flood insurance is required. those who didn't have flood insurance because they didn't have a newer mtg. or their home was lein free should have obtained flood insurance (no brainer).
    2. we, the taxpayers, expect the government (caretakers of our tax dollars) expect some sort of help after disasters.
    3. unfortunately #2 doesn't work the way it's supposed to, so never depend on the government.

    this is just tragic, but i know delmarva will help their neighbors when called upon.

    everyone is not greedy.

  16. 6:50, FEMA WAS meant to loan people money at a low interest rate money to rebuild and that's what's being denied. They are also meant to loan trailers to people so they don't have to pay rent on top of their mortgage which is still due whether the homes are livable or not.
    As far as flood insurance-it's a false sense of security. Look back at some of the Hurricane Isabelle stories from a few years ago. Some people ended up with less than $10,000 and had to pay out of pocket close to $100,000 to rebuild, which eventually FEMA did come through with low interest loans for the people.
    Flood insurance doesn't necessarily "rebuild" because they deduct for depreciation so the bottom line is never ever expect to be reimbursed for the full amount of repairs.
    6:05-There is plenty of "whining" from people in NY and NJ who are experiencing nothing but lip service from FEMA.

  17. No 8:01 we just want our money back after paying the democrap Katrina slugs.

  18. What would Jesus do?

  19. Everyone needs to get off the flood insurance being your saviour idea. Stories such as this one below are the norm as far as flood insurance is concerned. Yep nothing but a false sense of security is the bottom line.

    "NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- When Roman and Marianna Bediner's Staten Island, N.Y., home was clobbered by Superstorm Sandy they took some comfort in knowing that it was insured. But a few days later, when they learned that their coverage would pay for only a fraction of the $75,000 to $100,000 needed to put the house back together again, that feeling evaporated."


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