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Thursday, December 20, 2012

O’Malley Will Push For Gun Control

In the wake of the Newtown, Conn., massacre, Gov. Martin O’Malley is expected to call for a ban on assault rifles and to push for more funding for mental health services and increased school security during the upcoming session of the General Assembly.
“We have all been changed by the loss of innocent lives in Connecticut,” O’Malley told reporters Tuesday.


  1. We need to build safe rooms in schools where no guns are allowed. With a picture of a rifle with a red line thru it.

  2. 9:24 oh, yeah.... that's gonna work.

  3. To add, if ONLY LAW AND MILITARY SHOULD GET GUNS, THEN THE POLICE WON"T NEED THEM EITHER because the citizens won't have any and since gun control will stop people from dying, the cops won't need to have guns either...

    Why would cops need assault riffles if the citizens have nothing or the law says they can't and won't obtain guns? yeah you didn't think about that did you...

    1. Never gonna happen. We have a second ammendment right to have guns. If you think for a minute that making a law against guns is realistic you are wrong. In that scenario...only the criminals would have the guns. Aren't drugs illegal? How is that law working?

  4. Omalley and obiden. now there is a dream team.

    knee jerk meets knee jerk.

  5. Is liberalism a mental health issue? Cause there are some freakin nuts in Maryland if they ban guns...

  6. We, the citizens need to push for politician control. What is going on in this state and country has gone way beyond criminal, it is treasonous.

  7. O"Dumbass does not have clue he always playing following the leader.

  8. o'malley just want's to score some points with his heroes the feds, 'cause he's a climber, and washington is a short slither from acrapolis.

  9. Please dems and rep call your reps n let them know we already have laws on the books no need to further go against our rights


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