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Monday, December 31, 2012

Ok, Let Me Get This Straight


  1. It's America, Same thing as a bad joke....

  2. That's something you would expect in "Democratic Republic" of Russia, so no wonder Alex likes it.
    Besides Mr. Obama's actions are very similar to the actions of Mr. Putin.

  3. I think the fools like Alex will have to be persuaded to leave in order to restore Capitalist America that dominated the World rankings across the board. New math and tolerance just isn't working for society.

  4. you cant expect any more from the
    rogues in congress and the administration. they live in a bubble that the rest of us are not allowed in. thanks sjd

  5. I've tried to tell you , it's an obama culture. Buy a Cadilac and drive it , also live in it.

  6. Alex, Obama's and the dems policies are all hurting the lower income people the most and the middle class, the exact same classes obama claims to relate to.
    Those with pockets full of money aren't concerned and if this does they will just renounce citizenship (as they have done in record numbers since obama took office-including Demmocratic bigwig Denise Rich and one of the Facebook founders) to avoid higher taxes. There are quite a few countries more than willing to take those in who are self supporting.

  7. The hardest a congressman will ever work is when they are running for office.

  8. Alex said...
    7:38 feel free to leave

    December 31, 2012 8:35 PM

    Please show him the way.


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