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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Obama Wades Into Labor Fight On Michigan Swing

Stumping for higher taxes on top earners, President Obama Monday also inserted himself squarely into Michigan’s boiling debate over a new right-to-work labor law, telling a crowd of Detroit-area auto workers that Republicans pushing for the law are creating political distractions and risking harm to the economy.

“What we shouldn’t be doing is trying to take away your rights to bargain for better wages and working conditions,” the president said at the Daimler Detroit Diesel plant in Redford, Mich. “We don’t want a race to the bottom, we want a race to the top.”

He urged the state’s GOP-controlled legislature and Republican Gov. Rick Snyder to abandon their efforts to pass the law, which would forbid unions from charging its members dues automatically. Michigan would be the 24th state to adopt the right-to-work law, following Indiana’s passage of a similar law in February.



  1. The law passed Obama. Where have you been? Now how about you go back to Washington and try to solve our debt problems and stop campaigning for someone to like you. Why don't you hop a plane and fly to Syria to support your Muslim Brotherhood buddies? You have already committed the USA's support to the rebels with no permission from Congress. Best thing for America is that you go on vacation and stay there.

  2. Four more years of this goofball dictator? I hope our country survives his incompetency!

  3. HE should be arrested for insighting a riot and jailed. The balls telling folks they are just making them work for less! He should be emphasizing the fact that they would have a job. What an a$$.


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