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Thursday, December 27, 2012

NRA Takes Fire For Stance On Mental Illness

The National Rifle Association has come under fire by an association of psychiatrists for its characterization of people who commit violent crimes as "monsters," "lunatics" and "insane."

The American Psychiatric Association, which represents more than 30,000 mental health professionals, released a statement that expressed its "disappointment" over the gun lobby's use of those terms in the wake of the massacre at the Sandy Hook Elementary school in Newtown, Conn., where Adam Lanza, 20, slaughtered 20 children, six school staffers and his mother.

In a news conference last week, NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre repeatedly used the word "monsters" and "insane" to describe people who carry out mass shootings.

And during an interview this weekend on "Meet the Press" LaPierre used the word lunatic "as a catchphrase for those who commit violent crimes," the APA said.



  1. APA needs to get a grip.
    The NRA si correct. We need to quit playing sensitivity training at some point these folks are absolutely LUNATICs. If APA would recognize this it may help prevent future incidents.
    Lets face it sane people don't massacre children in a school.
    You Go NRA.

  2. Exactly 1:09. Enough of political correctness and tell it like it is.
    The human who caused the inanimate object to become deadly is the demon not the object.
    To demonize a firearm when someone is killed by one makes as much sense as demonizing a vehicle when a drunk driver kills someone when in a crash.

  3. If the shoe fits........I have my doubts that a sane person would commit these violent acts. So, as far as I'm concerned , these people are lunatics, monsters , wacko, or have lost their marbles. 1:35 ...........well said. Political correctness has gone far enough! Cal a spade a spade, and stop sugar coating everything.

  4. Not only are they monsters and lunatics but what makes them even more demented is that they have to take killing to 'another level' and bring it into the schools killing innocent children. What causes this? This latest shooter killed his mother and that in itself is horrible but we can kind of come to grips with that (sort of) but what's inconceivable to most is the next step he took.
    This is always brushed off as "we'll never understand." We have to understand though to get control back.
    In stead of the APA being critical of the NRA how about they become a part of the solution and lobby for extensive psychatric evaluation of these mass murders who live. They are a valuable resource in getting into the mind of these types of killers.

  5. So is their defense that well adjusted people commit mass murder?

  6. Give all law abiding citizens guns to stop the elements 4:09 PM.

    Actually, your buddy Obama is behind these mass killings...do your homework!

  7. Actually, your buddy Obama is behind these mass killings...do your homework!

    December 27, 2012 5:39 PM

    Oh come on. If you say something like that you need to back it up.

  8. Actually no one wants these murderers to live. Those who apprehend need to work on their marksmanship skills. Save us all some grief.

  9. Calling a lunatic a lunatic is apparently unacceptable...even with the "hand in the cookie jar" they're only "ALLEGED"...my most unfavorite word. Uh, no "absolutely" is the worst. Abslolutely alleged is PC...Awesome!


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