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Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Night Of The Long Knives: 'Fake' Conservative John Boehner Purges The GOP

Is this really the reason why markets are rallying today? (or is it front-running the potential 'cone of silence' from a long-weekend in DC) We suspect neither, but Mike Krieger [5], having written extensively on the two-party political sham, notes the issue is that both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are at their core the same on the big issues most affect these United States at this time.  This past election should have been a wakeup call to the Republican establishment, but based on John Boehner’s recent actions, they have learned absolutely nothing.  The Republican Party is imploding from within since its leaders don’t actually stand for anything.  Here is how Mr. Boehner treats those within his party that do stand for something.

I have written about the two-party political sham for many years now.  At its root, the issue is that both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are at their core the same on the big issues most affect these United States at this time.  These issues are:
  1. The Federal Reserve scam and Wall Street theft.
  2. Civil liberties and the destruction of the Constitution.
  3. Our aggressive foreign policy and imperial wars abroad that help only the oligarchs and impoverish the masses.
Then they divide and conquer the masses using relatively irrelevant social issues like gay marriage, which are highly charged emotionally but will not affect your ability to put food on the table.

This past election should have been a wakeup call to the Republican establishment, but based on John Boehner’s recent actions, they have learned absolutely nothing.  The Republican Party is imploding from within since its leaders don’t actually stand for anything.  Here is how Mr. Boehner treats those within his party that do stand for something.


  1. the gop sends approved bills. there's never any counter offers. Just rejection. Not working across isles? whose fault is the cliff? again?

  2. The GOP doesn't have the numbers for veto override. obama knows this. So does everyone else. What do we have, then? A GAME. Getting played upon the people. A more sophisticated version of good cop, bad cop. They hope that "we, the people" will get so caught up in the "fiscal cliff" hysteria that we won't see the bag being pulled over our heads. AH, but we voted ALL of them into office. Each and EVERY one of them has voted (Ryan, Boehner, etc) for spending billions that they know we don't have. NOW, they want to act like they are trying to solve the problem --- that THEY created!! They also know what every single economist on the planet knows --- there is NO WAY to pay back 15 TRILLION dollars. Keep cheering for your favorite politician. And then watch them as they spend spend spend and lie lie lie. And tax tax tax tax tax.....serving us well aren't they???

  3. 817-Dems had the Congressional majority in both houses from 2006-2010.

  4. The GOP is inept. They made the deal months ago. Looks like they will need to either look out for the 98% or be responsible for the law they made.


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