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Monday, December 10, 2012

Muslim Students Look To Shed Light On Religion, Culture In First Muslim Monologues Event

Standing on the stage in Hoff Theater, Hannibal Kokayi recounted a train ride in which a vagrant-looking man interrupted him while he was reading the Quran.

He’d been focusing on the book and avoiding eye contact with the stranger, but once the man stopped him to ask about the Quran’s teachings, Kokayi found himself regretting his own arrogance. Through his enlightening conversation with the man, he realized he still had much to learn from others, Kokayi said, reading from his poem and revealing a side of himself he normally keeps hidden.

“That’s the good thing about performing — you’re vulnerable,” said Kokayi, a University of Maryland University College student. “They get a greater understanding of who you are.”

Kokayi joined eight other Muslim students in Stamp Student Union on Friday afternoon to share their religious experiences through poetry and narratives in the Muslim Students Association’s first Muslim Monologues. Between decades of conflicts brewing in the Middle East and cultural stereotypes, it’s not easy being Muslim in the United States, students explained.



  1. America First U last.December 10, 2012 at 3:33 PM

    Who cares how they feel, in there own country they cant even speak openly like they can here,so if you don't like it go back to your oppressive camel humping land.

  2. 3:33 you are a dumbass and exactly what is wrong with this country. These are Muslim Americans, this is their country.

  3. 3:44 Muslim and American just do NOT go together. You better catch up on your islam.

  4. 3:33 you are a dumbass and exactly what is wrong with this country. These are Muslim Americans, this is their country.

    December 10, 2012 3:44 PM

    No sir. What is wrong with this country is allowing anyone to come here and we have to bend over to meet their requirements.

    Islam/muslims are not welcome here. You kill our people, cut off their heads, drag them thru the streets,etc.

    I would like the opportunity to do that to some of you.

    Your god and our God is not the same. Never will be. We both know we will have to fight one day. Some of us know your hidden agendas.

    Keep that crap to yourself because some of us don't want to hear it, or see you.

  5. 3:33 Screw you, Muslim loving idiot.

  6. Eastern Shore bigoted redneck dummies. You are the minority now, get used to it.

  7. 5:07, these rednecks are going to be the ones protecting little b?tches like you when the whip comes down in this country, then we will see who the minorities are.

  8. 514 seems like last time I checked, there are plenty of practicing muslims in the US armed forces. And plenty of muslims fighting alongside our men overseas.

  9. I learned all I need to know about Islam on 9/11...twice.

  10. 5:47 do you mean like Major Hasan that slaughtered 13 of our troops A/SWIPE.

  11. Anonymous said...

    I learned all I need to know about Islam on 9/11...twice.

    I agree. Let's just see who is "outnumbered" here. Between the Obamamites and the woman hating muslims and Illegal aliens out there, let the unions start the Revolution! They are all cowards who will run at the first shot!

    We're all ready! Say "GO"!

  12. 5:47.........Hello....?????

  13. To think our soldiers are in harms way to protect these Muslim sympathizers in this country makes me SICK.

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    3:33 you are a dumbass and exactly what is wrong with this country. These are Muslim Americans, this is their country.

    December 10, 2012 3:44 PM

    No dear you are the soft hearted liberal dumbmass err, I mean democrat. You are the reason Obama was elected and you are the reason our Constitution has been trashed. Why do you carry you Muslim loving butt to Kenya and take Obama and Ireton with you.

  15. Anonymous said...
    Eastern Shore bigoted redneck dummies. You are the minority now, get used to it.

    December 10, 2012 5:07 PM

    Isn't this like reverse discrimination? Sorta like the Libtard constantly dropping the race card. Libs are quick to call us Eastern Shore bigoted rednecks and quick to drop the race card when things aren't going their way.

  16. Anonymous said...
    514 seems like last time I checked, there are plenty of practicing muslims in the US armed forces. And plenty of muslims fighting alongside our men overseas.

    December 10, 2012 5:47 PM

    Do you mean Nidal Malik Hasan who terrorized Fort Hood and murdered 13 of his fellow solders and wounded 29 others. This was a terrorist attack on our military base.

    Speaking of last time you checked the last time I checked you voted for a Muslim terrorist ties as your president and he is protecting that muslim you say is fighting alongside our men.

  17. I wonder if they give equal time to Christians, Jews and other religions for the same purpose. I doubt it.

  18. Every one of the Muslims nations are 3rd world countries. The more of them we let in here the closer we become just like them. Everything they didn't like about the middle east they are trying to enforce here.


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