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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Move To Allow Same-Sex Couples To File Joint Returns

Maryland Comptroller Peter Franchot said that he will work to ensure that same-sex married couples can file joint tax returns in the state.

Either legislation or a regulatory change will be necessary to allow gay couples to file jointly, according to Franchot.

He said that federal law currently prohibits gay couples from filing joint tax returns, and Maryland's tax code is joined to the IRS unless specific exceptions are made.



  1. So who will pay the additional tax to underwrite this reduction in taxes for physiologically deficient sexual orientation? You guessed it. Now, my poodle just had 6 puppies. If I marry her, I'll have 7 instant dependents. That's a lot of tax savings. Peter is such a thwell comptroller.

  2. You are aware that Peter is gay like Obama are you not?

  3. I thought the gay marriage bill meant this would be automatic. If something extra needs to be done, that is messed up.

  4. 1:50

    you have no idea what you are talking about.

    I dont know if its hard to grasp but here:

    A dog cannot consent to anything. Because it is a dog. Same thing goes for your toaster. Your TV. Your couch. Anything that isnt human cannot consent to a contract.

    Thank you.

  5. Wake up people. I think the tax rates are higher for married couples. So passing the gay marriage law means more money to the state. Correct me if I'm wrong.

  6. What if the dog makes it to the age of 18? Then she can consent!


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