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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

More Zebra Mussels Found in Upper Chesapeake Bay

DNR calls on boaters and anglers to help prevent the spread of this harmful species

Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) biologists found young zebra mussels attached to buoys off Havre de Grace on December 3. DNR is asking boaters and anglers to be on the lookout for this harmful, invasive mussel.

The biologists collected 20 live zebra mussels attached to the concrete anchor blocks for three channel marker buoys. DNR discovered the mussels when Captain Shawn Orr and the crew of DNR’s A.V. Sandusky pulled the buoys from the water for cleaning and winter storage.

“We know that these mussels are from this year’s spawn since these buoys and anchors were deployed this spring,” said Matt Ashton, a DNR biologist and mussel expert who helped collect the mussels. “We plan to check these and other buoys every fall, as part of DNR’s limited zebra mussel monitoring effort in the upper Bay area.”



  1. I may be ignorant, but could someone explain why these are harmful?

  2. 1:59
    If you click "More" at the bottom of the post it will explain why they are harmful.

  3. I'll do my part. I promise not to put any of these mussels in out waterways.

  4. "filter feeders", heaven forbid they clean up the bay. Annapolis will have to look else where for a slush fund.

  5. Just introduce lion mussels into the bay and the problem is over. That's because mussels are stronger than zebra mussels and can run much faster. Give me a break!


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