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Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Military Court Removes Judge From Fort Hood Shooting Trial

The highest military appellate court ordered on Monday the removal of the judge overseeing the trial of Nidal Hasan, an Army psychiatrist charged with killing 13 people at the Fort Hood Army base in 2009.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces wrote in an opinion that Col. Gregory Gross should be removed for the appearance of bias -- in part because he demanded that Hasan's beard be shaved.

“The command, and not the military judge, has the primary responsibility for the enforcement of grooming standards,” the court wrote in a 10-page opinion. “A military judge’s contempt authority is directed toward control of the courtroom. Although the military judge here stated that (Hasan’s) beard was a ‘disruption,’ there was insufficient evidence on this record to demonstration that (his) beard materially interfered with the proceedings.”



  1. You know America is lost when our military leadership will not defend our own personnel. It was the greatest experiment of all, can man self govern without a ruling party?

  2. 11:34
    Sadly true. Welcome to Sharia in America.

  3. Someone please euthanize this guy with or without a beard.
    Problem solved.

  4. he was in military too

  5. It's time for the Confederate States of America. Long live Robert E. Lee.

  6. Just shoot the SOB and be done with it. That won't happen with a Muslim in the White House.

  7. He is STILL in the military. Subject to the standards of the military. Is the Appeals court saying that once you murder (as is typical, UNARMED men and women) you get off on the rules? The muslims around the world are laughing at the spectacle of this maggot making us chase our aces around the pole. Does the military have ANY standards anymore or are all the commanders just jellyfish with politically correct viewpoints, afraid of saying or doing ANYTHING that might make obama call them racists or "biased"? I'll bet the families of those killed can barely stand this pitiful theater.

  8. He is STILL in the military. Subject to the standards of the military. Is the Appeals court saying that once you murder (as is typical, UNARMED men and women) you get off on the rules? The muslims around the world are laughing at the spectacle of this maggot making us chase our aces around the pole. Does the military have ANY standards anymore or are all the commanders just jellyfish with politically correct viewpoints, afraid of saying or doing ANYTHING that might make obama call them racists or "biased"? I'll bet the families of those killed can barely stand this pitiful theater.


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