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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Mexico Urges US Court To Block Part Of Arizona Law

The Mexican government has urged a U.S. court to stop Arizona from enforcing a minor section of the state's 2010 immigration law that prohibits the harboring of illegal immigrants.

Lawyers representing Mexico asked the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in a filing Wednesday to uphold a lower-court ruling that blocked police from enforcing the ban. Mexico argued the ban harms diplomatic relations between the United States, undermines the U.S.'s ability to speak to a foreign country with one voice and encourages the marginalization of Mexicans and people who appear to be from Latin America.

"Mexico cannot conduct effective negotiations with the United States when the foreign policy decisions of the federal governments are undermined by the individual policies of individual states," lawyers for the Mexican government said in a friend-of-the-court brief.


1 comment:

  1. Now, we allow foreign governments to argue and protest U.S. State laws?? In order to PROMOTE and facilitate THEIR citizens ability to violate OUR laws?! And unbelievably, we ENTERTAIN their assertations in our courts? We made a HUGE mistake when we allowed the President of Mexico to LECTURE our Congress on our immigration stance and enforcement. The rest of the world thinks the USA is in decline, that it is weak, and that we have no backbone or committment to our own historical values (like the rule of law). And they are right.


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