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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Lewes Police Charge Sam Donaldson With DUI

Sam Donaldson, a former ABC political correspondent, was arrested Dec. 1 in Lewes after police say he was driving under the influence of alcohol.

A Lewes Police Department officer stopped Donaldson, 78, around 8 p.m., for a traffic violation on Savannah Road.



  1. i always thought that a pair of antennae would look right at home sticking out of sam donaldson's head, he just has that "spacey-spocky" look about him.:)

  2. As Hillary said "Its a right wing conspiracy"!

  3. Kinda looks like Neil Diamond.

  4. This left wing wacko will get off with a slap on the wrist.

  5. He'll pay into the system, and o'Malley will welcome his contribution, then immediately put it into the "General Fund". Then it will fill pockets.

    Don't you just love our government?

  6. O'Malley, 8:48? Donaldson lives in Virginia, was arrested in Delaware. How is the Maryland Governor involved in this at all?

  7. Well how the mighty have fallen!
    Guess what comes around goes around! Could not have happen to a nicer guy!!!!!


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