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Sunday, December 02, 2012

Let's Talk About Today's Daily Times Headline Front Page Article

Ireton, council at loggerheads on many Salisbury issues

You have to ask yourself, who's the bigger wussy, the Daily Times or Jim Ireton. This broken record has been playing over and over again for years now. 

Are you sick and tired of the same old crap from your local media? WMDT chimed in several months ago calling the Council majority the Council of No's. They sent reporters uninvited to three Council Members homes, knocked on their doors and demanded they answer very harsh and direct questions from the station manager. 

Here's how I see it and you have every right to voice your opinions in comments. Mayor Jim Ireton has brought forth lazy, amateur proposals the this Council. He has absolutely no clue what he's doing business wise and the projects he's brought forth he already knew well in advance the Council was going to shoot it down. He pushed these projects forward and screamed and yelled because they sucked. He hoped the local media would support him and guess what, they did. Have you ever seen the local TV station managers, general managers or someone like Greg Bassett run for Mayor of Salisbury? Of course not, yet their experts on how things should be done. PLEASE! Instead, they have employees participating in alleged phone spoofs. 

Look, a new election is coming up and Jim Ireton has NOTHING he can stand proud in front of a crowd and say he's accomplished, you know it and I know it.

I am NOT trying to pick on Jim, he's a nice guy. However, he's solely a politician who has been sucking at the government teat since he graduated school. He has no business background and he's simply become a professional at liberal politics in which he screams and yells whenever he doesn't get his way. Then he points fingers at every one else because of his failures. 

As your next Mayor, I've said this a hundred times, I will bring things to the table the entire Council can work with. If they can't, I'll go back to the drawing board until we have it right as a team. I won't spend 4 years blaming every one else. 

As for Palmer Gillis, I think he was a bit too harsh with his words in that article. Palmer is a very wise and successful local businessman. His history in Salisbury is proven. Something should move forward with the old Station 16, I agree. Has the Council sat too long on this one, absolutely. When I'm elected we'll get something moving in the right direction for that property. Something the entire Council as well as residents will be proud of.

The Bricks was just plain stupid right out of the gate. Local government does NOT belong in the Landlord business, especially at $200,000.00 to $300,000.00 a unit! The proposal to surplus all of the parking lots Downtown and sell them off for subsidized housing units, (500 of them) again is just plain stupid. I HAVE NOT MET ONE PERSON WHO LIKES THAT IDEA. 

As far as a Council/Manager form of government, Salisbury could be a great candidate for such a thing. HOWEVER, this is a legislative decision that would have to be sold to the voters. 

The Daily Times said: "When Tim Spies was elected to the City Council last year, he immediately joined Council President Terry Cohen and Councilwoman Debbie Campbell to create a near-unshakable majority. Two years into his term as mayor, Ireton faced an uphill legislative battle." 

Now this is very interesting and I want ALL of you to think about this for a minute. Let's remember that Jim Ireton was allegedly and throughout history aligned with Debbie, Terry and Tim. I ask you, WHO CHANGED and WHY? I know the people reading this Blog are NOT stupid. 

While the Daily Times audience dwindles day by day, articles like the one they delivered today are packing far less of a punch then they had power wise in years past. Jim Ireton has proven he cannot manage his position as Mayor. He has proven he doesn't have what it takes to really get things moving in the right direction. 

Just ask yourself who Jim Ireton has been aligned with for the past 10+ years. Remember Jim Ireton was one of the "Dirty Dozen" back in the day, or is he just another Louise Smith?


  1. Another Louise Smith. Glad-handing suck-up.

  2. Just ask yourself who Jim Ireton has been aligned with for the past 10+ years.

    Joe very well said. We all know the truth. You will be the next Mayor!

  3. "When Tim Spies was elected to the City Council last year, he immediately joined Council President Terry Cohen and Councilwoman Debbie Campbell to create a near-unshakable majority..."

    Just as Ireton supported them to be. Who changed here?

  4. I can't wait to hold a Mayor's Round Table Meeting once elected and have ALL of those people who came to Barrie Tilghman and Jim Ireton with great community ideas that got shot down.

    April is coming very soon Ladies & Gentlemen. It's time to take our City back.

  5. I read the article today and honestly my jaw hit the floor. What a one sided opinion.

  6. You have my vote Joe!!!!

  7. I hate the Daily Times! Sarah Lake and all the crazies get what they deserve!

  8. I marched up what was it, Smith St or the north end of Maryland Avenue with Jim and with Terry Cohen in support during his campaign. Voters went with Jim because they supported Debbie and Terrie, and he said he was "on their side"

    HAHAHAHAAHA! Now the wolf's face is shown! There is NO WAY Liarton will get another term!

  9. Anyone who gives up so much to serve the people of the City is Awesome in my book!

    You Go Joe.

  10. Jim knows its over for him. He will go down crying and blaming everyone else but himself.

  11. anonymous 5:53, come on now. You know I'm all about the big $25,000.00 a year salary and no health benefits. ;-)

  12. The Cox boy doesn't sound any better than the Lake girl.

    A boy for mayor, children running the press.

    As for Gillis, I got no respect for him any more. He bid on that property without his ducks in a row and now he wants to blame the council. Unprofessional rants is all he does in the paper. He was part of Ireton's secret meeting with the paper, Smith, Mitchell, Dunn, Maloney and all them. Gillis sounds like a child himself nowadays.

  13. Look I am pissed off about this article in The Daily Times that I walked away from the Ravens game for you.

  14. Joe you are so right for City. You fit like a hand to a glove. I know you will do a great job for us.

  15. The similarities between Ireton and Obama are dizzying!

  16. This is all smoke and mirrors. Typical Jim bullshit. Blame,Blame,Blame. I am so sick of it!!!!!!!!

  17. We Love You Joe! ;)

  18. SBYNews is almost as good as Sunday Night Football! LOL

  19. Albero For Mayor!

    Albero For Congress!

    Albero For President!

    Albero Is The Man For The Job!

  20. This is the best race I have seen in years. Joe you have vote.

  21. This article hits the nail on the head. Ireton was aligned with three council members and they helped get him elected. So many of my friends have dropped the daily times and come here instead. Your right. We aren't stupid.

  22. Joe do you know why Jim was on the Plaza Saturday in front of the Deli for a photo shot? I was driving by and saw a crowd of 20 or so.

  23. Joe - very well spoken. This is the kind of leadership that is required in order to lead Salisbury out of the doldrums.

    You have a vision - something Ireton lacks. Bottom line - Ireton has no real long range plan, or short range plan. And that is exactly why I predict that you will be Salisbury's next Mayor.

    I believe that you can and will usher-in a new era - something that has been lacking under Ireton's administration. I also feel you are more capable to coalesce the City Council and the Executive branch.

    That is why I will be voting ALBERO FOR SALISBURY MAYOR.

  24. Joe I read something that said you had not applied to run for mayor yet. Is that true, please ease our minds and let us know.

  25. You are turning this town upside down. Sorry to say Gillis is such a disappointment.

  26. anonymous 6:52, I truly have no idea. Then again, it's about impossible to keep up with the Ireton photo ops any more.

    anonymous 6:53, what can I say, thank you. The timing is just right for this move and change of leadership.

    Look, for what it's worth, even Jim Ireton should be excited that I'm willing to be the next Mayor of Salisbury.

    I mean, it IS about making Salisbury a better place, isn't it? Instead, it's all about LOOK AT MEEEEE!

    I do have visions. I can make things happen and if you really think about it, together we can all make Salisbury the greatest place on the entire Eastern Shore. Sadly, we can't say that right now, can we. It is a beautiful place but POLITICS keep holding us back. Special interests keep helping the few and hurting the masses.

    If you dislike the idea of Joe Albero as your next Mayor, well, then your just full of unwarranted hate.

    Salisbury should be a place where you see our leaders in a local Parade and think, the Mayor really turned things around. Those Council Members really made things happen. Instead it's all about local news media having a field day selling newspapers.

    Its time to GROW UP. After that alleged phone spoof, that paper should have been shut down, MANUFACTURING NEWS! They came back with a PROMISE to be BETTER than that and they LIED. They're playing the same old game. They are hurting Council Members reputations, people who make very little and take a whole lot. These are the same kind of people as Joe Albero, who get beat up every day and get back up to finish the fight. They will NOT win and YOU shouldn't let them.

  27. I believe that you can and will usher-in a new era - something that has been lacking under Ireton's administration. I also feel you are more capable to coalesce the City Council and the Executive branch.


  28. anonymous 6:57, that is correct. In order for me to qualify to run for Mayor I had to move to Salisbury. I did that back in March.

    However, the local media clearly isn't going to give me a fair shake in the press so I'm holding off registering for this election until the last minute. I will promote my views on Salisbury News up until that point and follow the election rules by doing so.

    That being said, don't you ever think for a second I'd pack my bags and move away from my beautiful Wife and Grandson just to play a game by saying I'm going to run for Mayor of Salisbury.

    My Wife and Grandson fully support this new venture and we will win this election and turn Salisbury around.

    Are you with me?


  29. You have to ask yourself, who's the bigger wussy, the Daily Times or Jim Ireton.

    No Need To Ask That Question!


  30. The Ravens game ended and I'm bummed out they lost. Trying to catch up I caught this article and I have to say I am sick and tired of the daily times. Joe, you are so right in this article and in your comments. I have no always agreed with you over the years but I am convinced you will make a fantastic mayor for Salisbury and we will be voting for you. To be honest, I never understood what people saw in Jim Ireton but I believe that will change in the upcoming election. My gay partner and I believe in you that much.

  31. anonymous 7:43, WOW, thank you! I too am upset the Ravens lost.

    I thank you for your support. I'm a no BS kind of guy and just want to get things done, like many of you out there. I have the time and resources to do so and I hope thousands more will get out and vote.

    For what it's worth, I don't need this job. However, if there's one thing I enjoy more than anything in life it's a challenge. No, not the challenge to win. It's more of the challenge to do things NO ONE else has been able to do.

    That is why I was able to retire at age 40. Why have I remained retired, because I have yet to find that new challenge that can truly accomplish something that will make such a positive difference in so many lives.

    Look at Salisbury News, surpassing 12 million hits in 2012. Come on now Folks, we're a BLOG. We have less than a hand full of people who went up against a Gannett Newspaper with, (at the time) over 200 employees.

    Give me a challenge and I'll not only win, I'll make it better than anyone else out there and IF there's someone better, my God, believe me, I'll personally support them.

    The idea is to make things better for everyone. We have a federal government so out of control it isn't funny. We need to start small right here at home. I'll stay committed here in Salisbury until my job is done and I'm comfortable someone can properly finish what we ALL started.

    In several years I'll move on to the Senate or Congress, we'll see where that path takes us at the time but one thing is for sure, it must start here locally.

    Thank you for your support.

  32. come on now. You know I'm all about the big $25,000.00 a year salary and no health benefits. ;-)

    December 2, 2012 5:56 PM

    Hey Joe, since you don't need it, I could use it. SS is dragging their feet with my disability, while my feet can barely walk.

  33. anonymous 8:01, I'll tell you what. All of you contact Mayor Ireton on Monday and tell him Joe Albero is willing to DONATE 100% of my salary to a charity the first year IF Jim Ireton is willing to do the same. May the best man win.

    NOW let's see who's in it for special interests!

  34. My gay partner and I believe in you that much.

    December 2, 2012 7:43 PM

    Was that admission really necessary?

  35. 8:05 PM

    But Joe, after you win, Jimbo won't have an income to donate.

  36. anonymous 8:07, I thought it was pretty cool and makes a pretty bold statement.

  37. You are the most giving man. You spend more than anyone on local charities.

  38. anonymous 8:08, Jim is a school teacher, so he has an income.

    Secondly, the challenge is, WILL Jim Ireton run in this election willing to donate his salary in 2013 to charity? I will agree to donate my first years salary to charity if he is willing to run in this election with the same commitment.

  39. I thought it was pretty cool and makes a pretty bold statement.

    December 2, 2012 8:09 PM

    My heterosexual partner and I believe in you that much too.

    Is that bold too or silly?

  40. This is total BS. Jim just sucks!

  41. Jim is a school teacher, so he has an income.

    I know he is Joe. But I figure after he gets that spanking in April he would move on. Maybe to Delaware? Like in Rehobeth, hopefully.

  42. Gay or not you have my vote !!!!!

  43. anonymous 8:14, ahhhh, it's no big deal. I think the person who sent in that comment is the same person who has called me a few times recently telling me they will be voting for me. I could be wrong but I think that was their way of letting me know it was them.

    Jim Ireton has ticked off even his closest of friends and doesn't stand a chance in this election.

    He forgot where he came from and that's a shame. Jim really is a nice guy but honestly, he's changed in so many ways it isn't funny.

    I think your making this out to be more than it really is and I hope this comment explains what I believe is the case here.

  44. anonymous 8:17, Jim is a Maryland resident, for starters.

    Secondly, rumor out there is that Jim is interested, (believe it or not) in Norm Conway's seat as a state delegate.

    We all know O'Malley is buddies with Jim, so perhaps there's something in the works for Jim down the road.

    Just know, his style of politics doesn't work for Salisbury.

  45. I think your making this out to be more than it really is and I hope this comment explains what I believe is the case here.

    December 2, 2012 8:18 PM

    If I am, I apologize. And like you I don't really wanna discuss it anymore.

    Thanks for your patience and explanation. Now I will stop hogging all your attention and let others talk.


  46. I think for your Family to give up such great guy like you then they have to truly believe in you and your cause. TY

  47. Jim is a Maryland resident, for starters.

    That could change. I hope.

    (just had to do that lol)

    Secondly, rumor out there is that Jim is interested, (believe it or not) in Norm Conway's seat as a state delegate.

    Isn't that always the way? Seems like the biggest screw-ups always gets kicked upstairs. (promoted)

  48. Your site is the best!

  49. Now I will stop hogging all your attention and let others talk.


    December 2, 2012 8:21 PM

    After reading that I realized how funny it sounded, since you have final say on who 'talks' on here and who doesn't. lol

  50. anonymous 8:23, thank you. They have given up so much. 5 days a week I sit here in Salisbury with 4 walls, (so to speak) when I could be in Delmar with my Family. Weekends are non stop trying to catch up. We had a BLAST in the Delmar Parade on Saturday. THANKS DELMAR for the wonderful reception!

  51. Mr.Mayor,Mr.Mayor can I asked you a question?

    What is going to be your first order of business?

  52. His ideas are no good thats why the council turns them down.

  53. anonymous 8:28, renaming the Waste Water Treatment Plant the Barrie Tilghman WWTP, should Council concur. It won't happen but it sure is deserving.

  54. Why would Palmer Gillis say bad thing about the Council?

  55. anonymous 8:28, seriously though, there is so much to do and so little time. We need jobs in Salisbury. I want to sit down with County Executive Rick Pollitt and END the differences between the City and County. I want the Council President involved in EVERYTHING the Mayors Office has lined up.

    CLEARLY, it's time for a fresh start and I want to figure out who stays and who goes.

    We must create a vibrant Salisbury. We must think out of the box as to HOW we can create something similar to San Antonio Texas with the River Walk.

    Downtown Salisbury is here to stay so a lot of time needs to be spent on how we can truly revitalize Downtown Salisbury.

    Many have challenged me on why I concentrate so much time and effort to the Downtown area. It is the hub of Salisbury. Without redevelopment and revitalization Salisbury will never rebuild.

    We need a LONG TERM PLAN and it may take 20 years to complete but as long as we have a vision, one that meets future generations and not just what us old timers want.

    We need to focus on Salisbury University. Like it or not, wake up people, we need to coincide and be inviting. I could go on and on as you know. Our current and former leadership failed us in a very big way.

    Lets get a vision we can all pretty much agree upon and recreate a better future. We have to give SU Students a reason to want to stick around a reinvest into Salisbury.

    Come on now, we move here, (most of us) because of its potential. We just need leaders who can deliver us great results on our investments. I can make that happen if given the opportunity.

  56. anonymous 8:43, Palmer is frustrated. I don't want to speak for him so I'll simply share what I see as an investor.

    WHY would I want to invest in Salisbury at this point and time. Palmer has invested millions upon millions of very risky dollars in the hopes of bettering his own nest egg.

    I'd assume he's sick and tired of the fighting and bickering while very little gets done.

    Palmer is an important asset to Salisbury. As are quite a few other people.

    It is our responsibility to deliver better for those who invest in this City and that means every home owner and property owner.

    Our Public Works Director has made it almost impossible to do business here, that needs to change. Fill his shoes one day and you'll understand his frustration.

    I hope to change that.

  57. You are a great speaker. You will win.

  58. anonymous 8:50, I disagree. Jim is a far better speaker than I am. I wasn't made for politics and games, Jim is.

    Believe it or not, I'm the corporate guy who is behind the scenes getting things done.

    I'm forced to make the decision to run for Mayor because I care. I'll not hide the fact that I too am invested in Salisbury and I'd like to see it better then it is.

    However, don't think for a second Jim wouldn't come off as a better speaker. The difference is, I won't mislead or lie to anyone along the way.

    I appreciate ALL of the City Council Members, truly I do. I While many of you think I'm tied to the hip of a select few on Council, you're wrong. I disagree with them often. However, we have ALWAYS agreed to disagree and that is the big difference between Jim Ireton and Joe Albero.

    That is what will make us ALL successful. Jim Ireton recently stated publicly that all Joe Albero is trying to do is take him away from his game. Jim needs to be reminded, this isn't a game. Certainly not one I'm interested in playing.

    When the time comes Jim Ireton will see a Joe Albero he never knew. Corporate Joe Albero will come out and the gloves will come off. He has no idea what he's in store for and his charisma will be shot down with many years of experience, or shall I say, TRUTH.

  59. I read Jim's piece today and I was totally disgusted. THE Council is looking out for the voter's interest. I know you will also Joe.

  60. Since you have said you are running NO as come forward. This is so telling.

  61. You are the best man for the job!

  62. anonymous 9:07, I believe you meant to say NO on has come forward?

    There's no doubt in my mind that the former Tilghman Administration will throw a few names into the hat believing there's no way I'd make it past the primary. I cannot wait for that day. I cannot wait for ALL of those people to realize their time came and past a long time ago and IF I'm wrong, trust me, I don't want to EVER being further involved in anything to do with Salisbury past that point.

    IF the citizens don't believe Salisbury need an enormous change, well, I've made a huge mistake.

    However, I'm convinced the citizens are fed up.

  63. Joe, you would be a tremendous asset to Salisbury. We know the issues with the waste water treatment plant will finally be resolved and we taxpayers will stop getting screwed. And Ireton's reign of terror will finally be stopped.

    But we would be even more excited to see you on the national stage. We need someone like you to step up and tell it like it is. You would demand the President to finally show his ACTUAL birth certificate, and you wouldn't let NASA waste money by trying to land astronauts on Jupiter.

  64. Since you have said you are running NO as come forward. This is so telling.

    December 2, 2012 9:07 PM

    I guess you meant to say No one as come forward. I understand what you are saying. No one run against you Joe. They would be a fool.

  65. If this country, and we, are around that long to see Joe on national level.

  66. This City has a cloud hanging over it for years. I think it is time for some Sunshine!

  67. I've never donated to a political campaign before Mr. Albero, but I'm going to proudly break that streak for your campaign. Salisbury needs you!

    Where can I send my money?

  68. anonymous 9:23, this morning I received one of the most important phone calls I have ever received referencing Salisbury News.

    A couple weeks ago I did a Post suggesting out Maryland state politicians are racist.

    That Post caught the attention of Governor O'Malley's Office. So much so, out of nowhere Delegates, Senators and Congressmen were contacting me to tell me they will do more referencing Crisfield.

    Today I received a call telling me that that DRIVE has now gone all the way to the President of the United States and that even Governor O'Malley has drafted a 14 page letter to the President asking for additional help for Crisfield.

    The letter references the poverty and dire situation Crisfield, Smith Island and other areas are experiencing with very little help from FEMA.

    Over the past few weeks I have been asked by this very high ranking public official to keep their name out of what they are doing but they were assigned to stay in constant contact with me personally ever since I published that article and they have done so just about every single day since.

    This afternoon I received a call from one of the residents of Crisfield asking WHY I'm not doing more articles about Crisfield. This call came in just minutes after I had received the call telling me our efforts have been recognized by President Obama.

    I then explained to this resident that I had been asked to tone it down and to trust this public official that they are on it and they will do everything they can to make things better there.

    They were so excited to see that there may be light, (after all) at the end of the tunnel.

    I wish I could say who this person is but I gave my word I would not and I won't. However, down the road you will know because I will show my undying support towards this unconditional individual, unless they are blowing smoke up my you know what and quite frankly I know they're not.

    The only cat I'll let out of the bag is that they are a democrat.

  69. That is awesome Joe.

  70. Joe, sorry, but I can't share your support of Gillis any more. He has been using the Daily Times the same way as Ireton. I admire anyone willing to invest their time and money in business. That doesn't mean they should get everything they demand. The PAC14 show of the Gillises practically foaming at the mouth over the fire station is carved in my mind forever. Frustrated or not, the spewing in the newspaper and on tv has lost me.

  71. anonymous 9:55, no reason to apologize. Look, agree to disagree, is all I ask.

    I did not see the PAC 14 show your talking about, so I can't comment on it.

    What I will ask is that we respect those people who have taken very serious risks with their money to truly invest in Salisbury.

    I have dumped some $400,000.00 here. This is not financed money, this is flat out cash. I also offered $250,000.00 to buy the old Fire Station 16 back in the day.

    imagine the smack in the face it was for Gary Comegys to flat out say on PAC 14 he'd never allow the sale of any building to Joe Albero in Salisbury.

    So it wasn't just Palmer who got smacked down on Fire Station 16.

    Give it time and we'll turn things around. In the mean time, please respect those who are willing to take these kind of risks in a very poor economy. Are the rewards great, not really, especially right now.

    Funny though, you NEVER hear the Daily Times talking about my $250,000.00 CASH offer on that building with NO contingencies whatsoever. Be very careful what you read, (or never get the chance to read) in that newspaper.

  72. I guess you meant to say No one as come forward. I understand what you are saying. No one run against you Joe. They would be a fool.

    December 2, 2012 9:24 PM

    I don't know what it is about this paragraph that no one can get right. But let me try too. lol

    No one has come forward to run against Joe.

  73. Hey, Joe, thanks for reply (10:06 p.m.) I guess what I'm trying to say is, Gillis didn't get "smacked down" on the old fire station from what I watched, read, etc. He didn't get his act together and he wanted to blame someone else (sound like someone else we know)?

    You on the other hand did get smacked down. Comegys had no right to discourage you from bidding just because of who you are. Based on what the public got to hear, the council turned Gillis down for business reasons, not because of who he is.

    I got no problem agreeing to disagree. That's one of the things I like about you.

  74. Does Ireton actually believe these articles in the dt's are going to go his way. If he does he's a fool. He's the local town drunk.

  75. Keep the fire station and get rid of Rick Hoppes.

  76. Things need to change and they start with YOU.

  77. Anonymous said...
    Mr.Mayor,Mr.Mayor can I asked you a question?

    What is going to be your first order of business?

    December 2, 2012 8:28 PM

    Get Rid of Rick Hoppes, Theresa Gardner and Barbara Duncan.

  78. Just the fact that Gillis has purchased the old Feldman's building is an encouraging sign that something will come of downtown. He's not a stupid man, everyone knows that. I'm sure it's a long term investment.

    Someone has got to move a vision forward so that others will follow, like Phil investing in several businesses downtown. Rob opening a second restaurant downtown. John Robinson also comes to mind, even though the newspaper didn't work, he'll find something that does, given the time.

    Everyone must know that the vision isn't something that will happen overnight, but at least we'd have that vision of a 20 year plan and it will spur economic development as the programs and ideas grow in the now.

    I may never live long enough to see a San Antonio right here in Salisbury, but not everyone is as old as I am and I think it would be something special to leave for the future taxpaying generation, to see the fruits of their tax dollars in a positive way, not the WWTP way!

  79. There is another election rapidly approaching us. As long as the City has lame department heads such as Teresa Gardner and Richard Hoppes we will work extra hard to make sure Jim and Debbie doesn't get re-elected.

  80. Who created that stupid title for the daily times article in the first place. Great follow up Joe.

  81. Joe, even if you are the best person for the job (and I reserve the right to decide when I can see all who are running), the fact that you would state that anyone who doesn't like the idea of you as mayor is full of unwarranted hate is an example of what is wrong with politics in this whole country. We can disagree politically without it being about hate. Come on, please be better than this.

  82. anonymous 9:44, you are so right.

    I'll work on that.

  83. I would like my next mayor to have great ideas and vision for the city, but is it really asking too much that they care enough to also know the difference between their, they're and there? It's not that hard, people. Details are important and an appearance of either ignorance or laziness doesn't help anyone's cause.

  84. anonymous 9:54, your/you're/you are kidding me, right?

    If you want a school teacher, vote for Jim Ireton.

    I am not perfect but let me assure you of one thing, there's not a single businessman here in Salisbury who is willing to run for Mayor who has a successful business track record like I do.

    Now, if you want someone who can spell perfectly then I suggest you run for Mayor yourself.

    "This isn't Joe Albero's election to lose, it's the citizens' election to lose".

  85. This isn't about spelling; all the words are spelled correctly. It's about using the correct word to express yoursself. I fully believe that you have the ability to see something so simple as their, they're and there and would be able to use them correctly. It's not about spelling; it's about pride in your work product. Sloppy here, sloppy in other work product. It only takes a minute to proof. Our employers expect our best output. My English teacher taught me that we should have pride in our written output as well. Would you expect your grandchild's teacher to let things like this slide, or would you want the teacher to try to instill pride in his written work by paying attention to details.

  86. anonymous 10:10, have you ever watched a City Council meeting? If you have, MOST of the time they spend in those meetings is spent correcting spelling errors over and over again from attorneys as well as office staff. It happens.

    If your suggesting I'm sloppy in my work elsewhere let me remind you that I retired at 40 years old. Not because I was sloppy or stupid. I excel in certain areas and I hire others to perfect what I lack in.

    I've never claimed to be a writer or a journalist. I created Salisbury News because our local media flat out lies and manufactures news.

    Yet you are here every day, think about that for a minute.

    Now, that being said, I'll try to do better.

  87. LOL, Joe. She's got you there. I'm assuming this is a woman because men don't care about this stuff. But she's right, it's never to late to learn! Kinda like if I wrote, "she's write!" Have a great day!

  88. Joe, 10:10 should proof himself! Yourself has only one "s." All in good fun.

  89. I agree that the Bricks project was a dead duck. I looked at buying it several years ago and decided it wasn't worth it. The price tag of $200,000.00 per unit is an idiotic price tag. Even if you were to put that kind of money in it, you would never get it back out.

  90. Oh, some guys care too. We're, or at least, I'm not anal about it.

  91. Joe, we looked for you in the Salisbury Christmas parade yesterday! Didn't see you this time! ???

  92. I find it hilarious how 10:10 spelled the word "yourself". LOL LOL

  93. I've noticed you have increased your speed at posting articles AND posting and answering comments.

    I like it. And I overlook the occasional misspelled word or incorrect word.

    It bugs me a little too but I guess everyone does not have a spell checker like I do to alert me to mistakes.

  94. No kidding,but until I read Sunday's paper I always thought a loggerhead was a type of fish.Somewhere between a hardhead and a drum.

  95. To be "at loggerheads" means to be in a controversy or dispute with no obvious resolution.
    I don't see the controversy or know of a dispute between mayor and council, except what's manufactured by the mayor and Times stories like this one.

  96. What was the point of the article? Read like nothing more that a poor Ireton piece and a feeble attempt to shift the blame on why his asinine ideas fell flat. As far as Gillis-he's a legend in his own mind-grasping at the big time but never getting there and now blaming others. Yeah he bought and renovated a few buildings and that did nothing to revitilize downtown. It takes more than that. Time to bring in the Big Dogs such as Van Metre out of Northern VA area for example. Companies such as VM know how to court and win over companies that bring far more jobs to an area than some one horse show law office.

  97. After having invested two years, plus trying to implement a City sanctioned effort, in full public view, throught the RFP process by the City Council, having a written agreement with the City , keeping the City posted on each and every turn of events, the City Council abruptly terminated the agreement Gillis had with the City. This was done in a 6 day period of time with no advance notice or written notice of termination while Gillis was out of town on a family vacation.
    If any one would think that to be professional, honest or even fair they need to think again.
    Gillis was more that happy to step aside with any vision the Council has for the building. Their thought process and vision is hollow.
    As it currently stands yet another empty building is left downtowmn rotting. Council woamn Campbell stated in April of 2008 that she did not want that building vacant for another two years. What is she or they doing now besides nothing. They are indeed a part of the image problem that Downtown has. They really basically do not care in any way what so ever. Have plan, get a plan or steal a plan Council , step up to the challange instead of wasting three years plus and scrapping a plan that would have set Downtown Salisbury light years ahead. Doing nothing I believe is their plan. As they say , thanks for nothing!

  98. Looks like Gillis posted at 3:40 p.m., one of them anyway.

    You forgot "untrustworthy" and "clueless."


    Some of us in business in Salisbury know the whine by heart.

  99. Gillis let thw contract ezpire ans now blames others?


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