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Thursday, December 06, 2012

Leftist Media Hypes Treasonous Claim… We Call It A Serious Warning

Dear Reader,

What has the leftist media so upset...?

We recently published a presentation explaining why and how President Obama is likely to seek a third term. Our critics like to pretend that we don't understand the 22nd Amendment. Of course, nothing is further from the truth...

The truth is... there are simple, legal ways around this prohibition... And these same maneuvers have been used by other leftist governments around the world to hold power...

In fact, there's a direct link between Chavez in Venezeula, Putin in Russia and the Kirstners in Argentina... All of whom broke through Constitutional barriers to retain their power for more than a decade...

We believe the same thing is happening right now, in America. Liberal TV pundit Chris Matthews warned this could be the 'tipping point'... U.S. News and World Report warned that our research would enrage some viewers... and quotes an anonymous critic who says it borders on treasonous libel...

See our presentation for yourself. It's free.

And then, decide for yourself.

One man's warning is another man's treason. Get the full details here.


Porter Stansberry
Founder, Stansberry Research


  1. wake-up everyone...

  2. Reminds me of Lukashenko in Belarus.
    Absolute power in his third term.
    He is classed as a dictator, just like Obama.

  3. If it could be done Clinton would have done it.

  4. Porter needs to put the tinfoil hat back on his head.


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