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Tuesday, December 25, 2012


The Journal News in upstate New York, owned by Gannett, published the names and addresses of all gun permit holders in the Westchester and Rockland county areas of New York. The Journal News said:
The map indicates the addresses of all pistol permit holders in Westchester and Rockland counties. Each dot represents an individual permit holder licensed to own a handgun — a pistol or revolver. The data does not include owners of long guns — rifles or shotguns — which can be purchased without a permit. Being included in this map does not mean the individual at a specific location owns a weapon, just that they are licensed to do so.
The newspaper didn’t even feel it necessary to publish a rationale for that violation of privacy – publishing the names and addresses of gun owners makes them more vulnerable to robbery when they aren’t at home, since criminals will know where the guns are. 


  1. Maybe instead of guns, Gannet should be banned.

  2. News media has gotten way out of hand.
    I would hope that the gun owners get a class action against this news company.
    This publication could cause an extreme rise in breaking and entering.

  3. About time somneone stepped up to the plate. As a certain amount of these gun owners will become moe dangerous than sex offenders when they go off and KILL many Young Kids as we have seen over and over in the news and we need to know who has guns , so we can watch them and who better to know who is nuts in the hood then we do , so if these people own guns and are nuts we can report them to the police as with registered sex offenders when they break the law. This is a good start to protect our safety from some of the nutty gun owners.

    1. Omg you sir are the one that's nuts.


  5. any crimes connected to this list the paper should be charged with

  6. Those whose privacy has been violated should post the names & addresses of everyone who works at the newspaper, then the crooks & robbers can cross check them to make sure they do not have guns and are therefore easy targets.


    This will seal the deal of death for Gannet... they will be sued by someone in NY...

  8. This is just like publishing the names & addresses of all police officers, secret service agents, soldiers.

    I hope the whole world boycotts Gannett publications.

  9. I imagine Gannett thought that this would be such a clever idea and so smart of them.
    What they have potentially done is now expose those people who do not own guns to danger.
    No wonder this company is a mess.
    You got half wits who do not think out the full consequences of what they print.
    It's gotten so obvious that their staff consists of '2nd' rate 'journalists' and 'editors.'

  10. If any paper would want to do a public service, the list should be of all with criminal backgrounds who are known to have owned handguns and used them while committing a crime. But Gannett chose to villify law abiding citizens instead...

    I hope the lawsiuts are far and wide here.

  11. This may actually be a blessing in disguise! If the criminals know who have guns, they will avoid them and target the easy prey - those who don't. Most of those who don't are bleeding heart liberals who believe we don't need guns. Maybe the libs will see things differently when armed thugs are breaking into their homes and the lives of their families are threatened - and they have nothing with which to protect themselves.

  12. Don't understand the problem. WHaty do gun owners have to hide?

  13. 6:24 YOU is nuts in the hood!!

  14. 6:24, there are no words for your stupidity! What's the quote, xx million legal gun owners posessed guns last month and killed NO ONE. It's the thugs who steal guns from legal gun owners or otherwise obtain guns illegally or have mental issues that are doing these crimes. You know, the people called CRIMINALS.
    Oh, why waste precious electrons typing something to you...

  15. Product of a public school education are you 9:04, where critical thinking is discouraged?

    First of all, what logic is behind your question? What do you hope to accomplish?

    The same questions should have been foremost in this "jounalist's" mind and all angles should have been explored including the potential problem of leaving unarmed households vulnerable and also the potential now that those who can not legally purchased now have a roadmap to theft of firearms.

    It's not a question of what anyone has to hide-It's a matter of common sense and not some newspaper and/or journalist trying to show off and/or make a name for themselves.

  16. 9:04 doesn't understand the problem. Ain't that something.

    Well you can start understanding "the problem" by USING YOUR HEAD 9:04!

    It's not "the" problem but the many many problems this useless type of info could create.

    And Mack your comment is equally as asinine in it's ignoring the other "sides of the coin." Yes quite possibly what you say may be true, but now unarmed households could be sitting ducks but also those in search to steal guns have what amounts to directions straight to the front doors of household w/firearms.
    This was an idea that redefines the word stupidity for it's not well thought out publication.

  17. From a psycological standpoint those who do something like this (act implusive) and those who approve, without forward thinking through the consequences have self esteem problems and feel compelled to act out in misguided ways of self rightousness because they need to boost their self importance.

  18. Here the FB link of the editor


    Her name is CynDee Royle/Lambert. She's getting slammed on her FB

  19. stupid is as stupid does...

  20. maybe she should put up her address so all the idiots will know where she lives without a gun

  21. 6:24/Mack-using your rational we should then publish the names and addressed of those affected with AIDS, after all AID kills and affects more people than guns a year.
    When is someone going to step up to the plate and publish the names of those diagnosed with this deadly easily spreadable disease.
    We need to know who has aids so we can watch them and make sure to take precauctionary measures such as hand washing if we come in contact with them.

  22. That's been done already 12:22. Multiple sites have listed her and other's addresses associated with the article.
    What now needs to be done is a list of Gannett advertisers so the public can complain to them.
    I saw on the CNN article about this that they scrolled through the 1000+ comments and didn't find one in support of the published info.
    I hope all responsible get fired. They have not only a moral but an ethical responsiblity. If something they print has the potential to harm one person it should not be printed. Another thing with no gray area. They thought for sure this would give them their fame. What it has gotten them is the proverbial 15 minutes of fame which has only accomplished making them look like the amatures that they are working for a 2nd rate publication.

  23. Fact is this is public information period. No crime was committed here. If you're ashamed to own a gun then you shouldn't have one.

  24. Some years ago. the Daily times, then owned by Gannett published the name of all Wicomico Co. school teachers salaries and listed the teachers by name. Being my wife, a teacher, and I file a joint tax return, I felt it was an invasion of my privacy. I could not get enough support for a class action suit because of the local "good old boys network" in Wicomico Co. And that network still exists today.

  25. Yeah Mack this list will really do good! Just like the feel good sex offender registry has!
    It means nothing-zero-nada in the way of keeping others informed on who has a gun because this list is only those who are permitted legally to have firearms so your comment is nonsensical as was the papers decision to publish this information.
    Publishing info on recent parolees and jail/prison releases w/addresses would have been beneficial esp those who committed crimes against persons and property such as burglaries, but not this.

  26. poor old Mack he is so far democratic that he wants all the free stuff and hand outs but is pissed they wont pass out guns cause 1st he cant afford one 2nd he knows he too stupid to use it properly and 3rd he would go on a rampage if he did get one

  27. If Salisbury News would publish daily obituaries, I would cancel the Times in a heartbeat. I get better Orioles and Ravens coverage on their web pages.

  28. All news papers should publish names addresses and maps of all sex offenders in their area.

  29. Some years ago. the Daily times, then owned by Gannett 2:42 PM

    They are still owned by gannett


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