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Thursday, December 20, 2012

In Rehoboth Beach, Memorial Honors Shooting Victims

Twenty decorated wreaths on a snow fence on the Rehoboth Beach Boardwalk serve as a memorial for the 20 young shooting victims at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.

REHOBOTH BEACH — People everywhere are looking for a way to deal with the pain and grief they feel for families who lost their children in the senseless shootings in Newtown, Conn.

Two Rehoboth Beach brothers expressed their feelings by creating a memorial of Christmas greens that stands along the Boardwalk. As if by magic, 20 memorial wreaths and six evergreen crosses appeared late Dec. 18 near the Bandstand.

The memorial is a tribute to the 20 children and six adults murdered Dec. 14 at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Below each wreath is the name of a child who died, and tied to each wreath is a Christmas stocking containing their name. Six crosses - three on each side - bear the names of the slain adults to complete the memorial.



  1. what about the mother who was killed? why is everyone ignoring her? because she was a gun owner and a prepper? she was also a murder victim and deserves to be remembered, not ignored because she wasn't a politically correct obama worshipping soccer mom.

  2. Mother didn't deserve to die but not exactly an innocent either. There is a real question of judgement taking a mentally ill child shooting.
    As for the Obama rant, you ever going to get over it?


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