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Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Gun Applications Skyrocket After Election

Following the re-election of President Barack Obama last month, applications for gun ownership nearly doubled statewide.

In the weeks following the Nov. 6 election, applications for gun ownership increased 83 percent, according to a Maryland State Police spokeswoman.

The state police are receiving an average of 1,200 to 2,000 applications per week — up from roughly 800 a week prior to the election, police spokeswoman Elena Russo said.



  1. Just remember folks; 4000 rounds is a minimum.

  2. It's fine to own them but when are we actually going to be able to carry them and protect ourselfs with them?

  3. I got a nice new semi-auto rifle. Now to stockpile the ammo...

  4. Get 'em while u can boys. Hillary has already signed on the gun ban with the UN and Obama will in March.

    At this point United Nation Soldiers will come door to door in the U.S. and take Guns from you per Obama.

  5. 6:54 You can carry them now. The Constitution allows you to do that. The liberal Democrats in Maryland will tell you that you have to have a permit from the State but that is not true. And, who really cares, because a killer,robber,or molester is not required a permit.

  6. Thank you, 751, you are correct. The State cannot defend a constitutional right in front of a jury, so carry away, and remember, 4000 rounds is a minimum!

  7. when it looked like the germans were going to invade england, Churchill told the people to "take one with you"...meaning to be sure to kill a german before your own life was lost. of course none of these panty wearing thumb sucking girly-men today would say such a thing. i think we should all do our damndest to take a hell of a lot more than just one with us when that dark day comes. if they want to live by the sword, then they can damn well die by the sword too.

  8. Carry a gun and don't ever think you need a politician's or a cop's PERMISSION to do that. They think waaaaay too much of themselves. THAT is going to get taken care of soon, too. Just keep buying all the guns and ammo you can get. And quit thinking someone ELSE gets to tell you if its okay.....lol....

  9. If you are not prepared to shoot a cop or american g.i. when they come to take them from you, what difference does it make if you carry or not?

    The boogey man is all around us, he just hasn't jumped yet.

  10. 7:45, you are correct. not sure everyone understands this is coming.

  11. Really rednecks, there are enough guns and rounds of ammunition to kill every human, wild animal, and space invader five times over in circulation within the USA. Go ahead and stock up morons. You idiots are missing the point its automatic weapons. Your misguided paranoia is more alarming than the boogie man, the jihadist invading on camels, or the crackheads on the corner to take the time to stop killing themselves to drive out to your dear stand and shoot you. You rednecks are retarded.

  12. 4:52 AM When when it all goes down don't come looking to us rednecks to protect you precious arse.

  13. If there are already enough rounds of ammo, then, in your obviously infinite wisdom and intellectual superiority, then please explain to the rest of us Neanderthals why THE GOVERNMENT has purchased over TWO BILLION (with a "b") rounds of high powered ASSAULT RIFLE ammo --- for agencies whose primary function is CIVILIAN law enforcement. I'd MUCH prefer to be called a redneck than an uninformed, blindly loyal, uneducated (it's "deer" stand, dear), and inattentive buffoon. And you surely haven't been paying much attention lately....

  14. Deerest 807, I'd suppose the GOVERNMENT purchased the rounds to train redneck recruits how to shoot their weapons, and to have a couple of extra rounds of ammo left to shoot their weapon in the line of duty. And by the way two billion with a B, is enough bullits to kill every Chinese man, woman, and child. You better hurry to the store now they might just be out of bullits. Is there a huge differece between blind loyalty and paranoia? Pick you poisen. At least I'm gonna enjoy the ride. And thank God for Rednecks like you. You make us undereducated inattentive baffoons laugh at your rediculous red scare tactics. PS If you have watched the news in the past 10 years or so our military function in the middle east has been primarily a police action maintaining CIVILIAN law in the controlled areas. I guess I'm ignorant, but the misterios unnamed "agencies" that have purchased this ammo? Really?


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