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Friday, December 28, 2012

Gas Prices & Quality

Yesterday we got in my Toyota pickup truck and headed south to Virginia Beach to visit Family. While we did do a little running around, (one trip to the store) by the time we filled up the tank to head back last night we had burned 3/4 of a tank. We filled up in Virginia Beach for $3.09 a gallon and my Brother said I paid too much because some stations there are selling gas for $2.99 a gallon, GO FIGURE!

OK, get this. We only burned just over 1/4 of a tank coming back!!!! Now where did that extra HALF A TANK go? Not only do gas prices stink here on the Shore, the quality of gas stinks as well! Driving Rt. 13 south to the Bay Bridge Tunnel is not all up hill and the ride home all down hill. Also, I used the cruise control both ways to avoid any tickets, so my speed was the same both ways.

I even heard today the gas prices on the Western Shore are a lot lower there then they are here. What gives?


  1. Its not the "quality" per se... its the Clean Air Act boutique blends required in MD vs those required in Virginia.

  2. Last month I filled up in chester for 3.70 for diesel. Can't remember the last time I paid that in salisbury

  3. I keep detailed records of all my fill-ups. Four years ago, I would get 33MPG in mixed driving. Now, I'm at 31MPG.

    So I started thinking to myself...I know my car is 10 years old, and it has more than 200k miles on it. Maybe I need to get a tune-up or something. So I look at my budget and see where I might be able to fit some service work in over the next few months.

    Well, I go and look at the wife's mileage. Her car is 4 years old, with significantly less miles. And what do you know? Her mileage is down 2MPG, also.

    Maybe you are on to something.

  4. The fuel gage drops faster on the second half of the tank vs. the first.

    I get roughly 200 miles on the first "half" of the tank. I get 140 or so miles on the second half.

    So if you start your trip with a tank that is less than full, you will not enjoy the benefit of the fuel gage that seems to be kinder to the first half of usage.

  5. anonymous 4:00, I filled up at Sam's Club before we left. I spent $48.00 in gas last night when I filled up in Virginia Beach and $22.00 an hour ago at Sam's Club. Do the math. the gas was around 20 cents a gallon cheaper in VA Beach too.

  6. notice some tank fulls do better mileage than others

  7. Try buying the ethanol free fuel on the same experiment. Even at the higher price per gallon, you will be spending less $ per mile on the pure stuff!

  8. Head wind or tail wind? It was rather windy.

  9. anonymous 5:00 PM, It was windy in both directions. The wind was always heading east, not north or south.

  10. Since I switched to the pure stuff, mileage has gone up conciderably. Yes, cost more, but better performance, and less wear on the injectors. So I will get a longer run just for switching to Ethal free fuel.

  11. 3.09 per gallon in Waldorf Md

  12. You guys are catching on. The percentage of ethanol is roughly 10%. Interstingly enough, ethanol blend is about 10-15% less efficient. You must burn more fuel to travel the same distance. The government taxes fuel by volume. A certain amount per gallon. This means that if it takes more fuel to travel the same distance...the government makes more money from fuel taxes per mile travelled. Ethanol based fuel is hard on auto parts, it absorbs ambient moisture and clogs fuel injectors and carburetors like crazy, and is less efficient than regular fuel. All of this so the government can collect more revenue per mile.
    but...it's whatever.

  13. Also...the low cost of fuel right now is a direct result of a drastic decrease in manufacturing in the U.S. China owns us lock, stock, and barrel. Most everything purchased during this Christmas season was made in China.

  14. I always got 2-3 mpg less using ethanol in a 6 cyl Chevy pickup running a regular route daily from OC to Cambridge. Guess what? The EPA now wants to increase the ethanol content from 10% to 15%. Isn't progress wonderful?

  15. I used to be able to drive from Salisbury to Coraopolis Pennsylvania non stop (pee stop maybe)...with either vehicle. I've done the trip back and forth over 110 times but since the ethanol, I have lost mileage and now have to stop along the route to fill up.

  16. As you burn more liquid gasoline, more empty space is created in the tank. Gasoline has a fairly high vaporization affinity for air (ever stood around a bunch of gas pumps?). As more gas burns, more empty space gets filled up by more evaporating gasoline.

    Because it is a fixed volume container, this is especially prevalent in the summer when the increased heat increased the pressure of the fuel vapor in the tank, and allows more gasoline to evaporate within the tank itself.

    So long story short: keep it over a half tank and fill up all the way but only when you need it.

    Just some fuel (pun intended) for thought...

  17. Joe - I have noticed it to. I also filled up my Toyota truck at Sam's club and I could swear that the mileage was significantly lower than with other fuel dealers.

    If I were a betting man - I believe the reason might be that the percentage of ethanol is higher than normal at Sam's. I noticed it to that my mpg seems to be getting worse and worse from there.

    I might try switching over to the Nitrogenated brand - Shell.

  18. to 7:24 your argument sounds good but modern fuel systems recycle the fumes as well mostbtanks are sligtly pressurised thats why if your gas cap is not on tight your computer will register an error code and the ceck/service engine light will come on so your argument does not pass the acid test. Sorry, I have noticed that hat fuel from VA and NC gives me better mileage as well!!

  19. Just some fuel (pun intended) for thought...

    December 28, 2012 7:24 PM

    AND...it's FOOD for thought.

  20. Also, the fuel in the DC/Baltimore area needs to be better since they have emission requirements that the shore doesnt have (thank god)
    That said I would think fuel on the shore would be cheaper but maybe transport costs have something to do with it?
    As for the ethanol, I think my car is able to run 100% ethonol if it came to it and its a `1999 car. 2.3L v6. Gets about 22-24mph and have not seen a difference and I run low test. And my gas guage does not work so I know abot how far I can go then fill up!

  21. There is an additive you can add to your gas that will neutralize the ethanol. Less damage to your engine and better mileage.

    Pay now or pay later.

  22. gas in south carolina is $2.85 gal
    go old md. does it to some more and they are talking about raising the gas tax again. good old leaders. they make me barf. thanks sjd

  23. Noticed the price of gas is going up this week

  24. When ever we use Exxon gasoline we get a few more MPG. Its amazing but true

  25. The Virginia State Fuel Tax on gasoline is $0.06 less than Maryland... and over $0.08 cheaper on diesel fuel... that's part of the difference.

  26. There is an ethanol treatment product, Marine STA-BIL that will help. If you own older vehicles with carburetors it will protect the carburetor from ethanol damage, especially if the vehicle isn't driven daily. I suggest you also use the product in gasoline you use for lawn mowers,chain saws,wood splitters, or anything that uses ethanol gasoline.


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