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Monday, December 10, 2012

Former NASA Agent Appeals for Missing Moon Rocks

As America marks 40 years since the last man set foot on the Moon, a scientist has launched an appeal for missing Moon rocks – after almost half of those collected have since disappeared.

As the last in a series of only 12 men to walk on the Moon and gaze back at the Earth from 250,000 miles away, Apollo 17 Commander Eugene Cernan and lunar module pilot Harrison "Jack" Schmitt wanted to bring back something symbolic.

As they wrapped up their third and final moonwalk on December 13, 1972, they paused to reflect on the magnitude of their achievement and the message of peace, hope and unity they felt it should represent to people back on Earth.



  1. american greatness! the only reason we no longer have a space shuttle program is because that third world stooge shut it down to try to diminish this country's standing on the world's stage. his efforts will be in vain.

  2. 6:24. I assume the third world stooge you are talking about is George Bush. The Space shuttle program was formally scheduled for mandatory retirement in 2010 in accord with the directives President George W. Bush issued on January 14, 2004 in his Vision for Space Exploration. Sorry but you can't just blame everything on Obama.

  3. 8:07-one of obammy's bug-eyed little lapdogs has spoken.

  4. george bush never waved a fake birth certificate in our faces and dared us to do anything about it 8:07, he never planned to turn NASA into a "muslim outreach program", he never spent a million plus bucks on lawyers to hide EVERYTHING from his past that would reveal the truth about where he came from, who he really is and what he REALLY wants to do to this country. george bush never squandered half a zillion dollars on lavish and endless vacations for a vapid, phony skankazoid of a wife who thinks the world owes her something, and george bush never bowed down to ANY damn body. because george bush, imperfect though he may be, is a MAN, and that is something that the gold plated turd you and your ilk have chosen to be your king, WILL NEVER BE.


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